Members named to new state Task Force on Health Care Financing

Gov. Mark Dayton today named 11 members to the newly-formed state Task Force on Health Care Financing, which will look the future of health care programs in Minnesota, including MNsure and MinnesotaCare.

The Legislature authorized the task force, which will begin meeting in August and report its findings in January.

In addition to the members named today, the group will include Commerce Commissioner Mike Rothman, Health Commissioner Dr. Edward Ehlinger and Human Services Commissioner Lucinda Jesson.  Also on the task force will be the MNsure executive officer, currently Allison O’Toole in an interim position, and legislative appointees.

Those appointed today by the governor are:

  • Lynn Blewett – St. Paul, Director, University of Minnesota State Health Access Data Assistance Center
  • Elizabeth Doyle – Minneapolis, Associate Director/Policy Director, TakeAction Minnesota; Member from Broad-Based Nonprofit Consumer Advocacy Organization
  • Monica Hurtado,  – Minneapolis, Health Equity/Racial Justice Organizer, Voices for Racial Justice; Member from Organization Representing Consumers of Color.

Read the rest of the article here.