Nicole: Fighting for #RestoreTheVoteMN

My name is Nicole, and I’m a working mother of two who wants the best for my family and all others who’ve been impacted by the criminal justice system. That’s why I decided to connect with the Justice For All Program at TakeAction as soon as I found out about it.

On Election Day, I was invited to participate in the #RestoreTheVoteMn Twitter storm led Nicoleby Jason Sole. The goal was to help raise awareness of disenfranchisement laws in Minnesota. As someone who has been through the justice system, I was more than happy to join forces with others like myself and community advocates who all fully understand the scope of this problem.

Currently in Minnesota, there are at least 47,000 men and women who are denied the right to vote, even after completing their time in prison. That’s 47,000 of our fellow Minnesotans who remain voiceless during our democratic process. I strongly believe that disenfranchisement laws in this state are wrong and serve no purpose other than the continued oppression of a sect of people who are told to rehabilitate themselves yet, continue to face obstacles at every turn.

I’m reminded of this every day, as I work hard to live with dignity alongside my family. I’ve already completed my time and yet, I have no say in who governs us or the policies they make. I am unable to participate in any school related elections that directly affect my children. I am a law-abiding citizen who works and pays taxes and still, I have no choice in who represents me. These are archaic laws that are based on outdated thought processes and ideals. I think Minnesota is far past due for a change.

Join me and thousands of Minnesotans by calling on the State Legislature to #RestoreTheMN!