About TakeAction Minnesota

TakeAction Minnesota is a statewide network of people – people just like you — working to realize racial and economic equity across Minnesota. We do this by connecting people and organizations to each other, turning someone’s individual desire for change – to pass a more progressive policy or law, to improve an institution, to change a harmful idea or perception – into the broad public action that makes change happen where it wasn’t possible going it alone.

We know that Minnesotans around our state want to make a difference on the issues that affect their own lives.  Having access to health care when you need it. To earn enough to support your family with dignity.  Being given a second chance to build your future. But to be effective, we need to connect with other people, and other organizations, who have the same vision.

At TakeAction Minnesota, people come together to change Minnesota. We work together to win the changes that help shape our lives for the better, beating the odds again and again.  We do it with great people, and organizations, from communities across our state. With people, by people, and for people just like you.


Work & Wealth


Criminal Justice Reform


Health Care

Democracy & Voting Rights

Vote No on Voter Restriction



Who We Are

A network of individuals and organizations across Minnesota. See a full list of our member organizations here. 

Education Minnesota
Minnesota Association for Justice
Minnesota Coalition for the Homeless
Communication Workers State Council
Hmong Americans for Justice
Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Minnesota State Council

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