Community leaders discuss county needs with lawmakers

When you think about it, it’s true, people often do think of the economy a bit like the weather as if it’s something we have no control over. “But it’s simply not true because it’s something we create,” said Kathleen Blake, dismissing this common concept.

A community organizer with TakeAction Minnesota, Blake assembled local leaders and legislators for a community discussion session Tuesday afternoon at the Second Harvest North Central Food Bank in LaPrairie. TakeAction Minnesota is a grass-roots, statewide effort to organize and engage communities to “advocate for issues we care about and get people involved in the political process,” she explained.

“I believe that greater Minnesota can be influential. Our advocates from our part of the state can make a difference if we all work together,” began Blake as she invited those gathered to speak about the wide-ranging decisions elected leaders will face regarding the national and state budgets and how these decisions may affect greater Minnesota’s communities.

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