Demonstrators want to end Bush tax cuts for richest 2%, to protect working families

A group of over forty Minnesotans representing the Americans for Tax Fairness coalition, and including representatives of SEIU, TakeAction Minnesota, Minnesotans for a Fair Economy, ISAIAH and CTUL, demonstrated in downtown Minneapolis this morning calling for an end to the Bush Tax Cuts and tax breaks for big corporations. The demonstration coincided with the first week of the congressional lame-duck session where a budget showdown looms.

Cliff Martin, a first-time voter and high school senior from Northfield, told the crowd that the time is now to make sure people are protected, not wealthy CEOs and corporations. “On Tuesday, I voted for a fair economy,” he shouted. “It’s time the richest who’ve benefitted the most over the past decade start paying their fair share.” Martin supports a corporate tax reform plan that raises substantial revenue from those who have extracted billions from the American economy.

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