5 Things We Love About Gov. Walz’s Health Care Proposal

Dignity and Care for All Minnesotans
Every person has inherent worth and dignity. As Minnesotans, we believe in the dignity of families and that we are abundant. There’s enough for all. We all aspire to live full, joyful, healthy lives. But when we fear getting sick, skip the care or medications we need because we can’t afford it, or go bankrupt trying to pay our medical bills, we’re being robbed of our dignity. We’re being told a lie that there’s not enough. The #OneMinnesota Health Care proposal is ground breaking. TakeAction Minnesota is thrilled to support it. Here are 5 reasons why.
1. It prevents catastrophe.
Governor Walz “repeals the sunset” of the health care provider tax: he prevents the catastrophe that’s completely avoidable. If we lose the health care provider tax, Minnesota will be at imminent risk of draining the Health Care Access Fund. This will threaten public health programs and health care for one million Minnesotans enrolled in Medicaid and MinnesotaCare. Saving health care is the first win.
2. Tax credits + subsidies put people first.
The #OneMinnesota proposal provides immediate relief directly to Minnesotans. It ends ‘reinsurance’, a program that temporarily reduces health insurance costs but does nothing to address the rising cost of health care. (Minnesotans who don’t qualify for federal tax credits would be eligible for a 20% premium subsidy; about 50K would be eligible for a state tax credit. The goal? No one in Minnesota pays more than 10% of their income toward health care.)
3. There’s a Health Care Buy-In option.
This is where we’re saying hell yes. Let’s be clear. As individuals, none of us can meet our health care needs on our own. At the same time, the private market is failing us. No matter how much we earn, we fear getting sick. Our government has a role to make health care work for everyone: affordable and accessible health care, no more junk insurance, people come first.
Governor Walz’s budget would allow anyone to get health insurance through ONECare, a platinum level insurance program similar to MinnesotaCare, regardless of their income with expanded dental, vision, and mental health benefits. The #ONEcare proposal sets the groundwork for people-centered, simple, affordable, and accessible health care.
4. It reins in the cost of prescription drugs.
Our elected leaders are responsible for reining in greed and checking corporate power. Every person had dignity, and in the wealthiest country in the world, no one should sacrifice their basic needs or lose their life because of the cost of prescription drugs. Governor Walz’s budget reins in prescription drug prices in public health care programs by using the purchasing power of the state to align & negotiate costs across the board. In short: Governor Walz has our backs.
5. Prioritizes dignity and care for all Minnesotans.
Most importantly, the Walz-Flanagan Administration has presented a thoughtful, bold proposal that centers dignity and care for all Minnesotans. While some changes will need time to be implemented, there’s a clear pathway for progress. Governor Walz’s proposal addresses affordability as well as access, providing alternative plans (platinum, gold, and bronze) where there are gaps in coverage in Greater Minnesota counties, as well as additional mental health services (an area of health care TakeAction members care deeply about). Where there’s hope, there’s possibility. And we’re ready to fight like hell to make it happen.
Take action today.
From now until May, state lawmakers will be debating health care proposals. Commit to taking action. Join hundreds of Minnesotans taking action to make more possible. RSVP right now for Party at the People’s House, TakeAction’s Day on the Hill happening February 28. And sign up now to attend our Annual Meeting (in St. Paul, Duluth, and St. Cloud).
#OneMinnesota #FamilyFriendlyMN
Contact me if you have any questions: kenza@takeactionminnesota.org or @kenzahadjmoussa