Bold & Visionary change in Duluth
This year we had the awesome opportunity to talk with thousands of Duluthians about their vision for Duluth’s future. We collaborated with many organizations representing the diverse people of our communities to develop a shared vision for our city – AICHO, CHUM, PAVSA, SOAR Career Solutions, YWCA, Northeast Area Labor Council, Community Action Duluth and Education Minnesota.

Shawnu with one of our great leaders knocking on doors.
What came of this is resounding shared interest in jobs that pay living wages with benefits like earned sick and safe time so people aren’t forced to choose between caring for a loved one and earning a paycheck. Residents wanting resources and consideration of needs to be spread across the city, increased green space, free youth activities & racial justice.
We have the unique ability at TakeAction to talk about these issues and more as we engage with voters in our community. We want to see bold and visionary change! The kind of change that happens when people – like our endorsed candidates who share our vision and the vision of so many Duluthians – are elected to office. Our endorsed candidates for November are: Gary Anderson (District 2); Em Westerlund (District 3); Joel Sipress (District 4); Janet Kennedy (District 5); Elissa Hansen & Noah Hobbs (At-Large); and Emily Larson for Mayor!
Come join us as we kick-off our election work this year! Register here to join us as we knock on our neighbor’s doors on September 17th from 5-8pm at our Duluth office. We’ll have food & child care available. It’s so exciting to know that through our engagement and conversation with voters, we could be part of the bold change we want for our city.
Click here for a list of all of our voter contact events. We have also have theme nights. Bring the whole crew for Family Night. Join our powerful night with WoMN knocking for WoMN, where the women we’ve endorsed will be knocking on doors with us, alongside our Women of Color core team from the St Paul office and our core team in Duluth.
We hope to see you at our kickoff on Sept. 17th and at our other events! Come be a part of the forward momentum building in Duluth.