This Week in Action: Anniversary of the Women’s March

In case you missed it, this is from last Friday’s”This Week in Action” email:

This Sunday is the anniversary of the Women’s March, the largest single-day protest in American history, and in honor of that anniversary, this week, we’re sharing stories about women. Over the last year, we’ve seen the beginning of major cultural shifts, like the #MeToo/#TimesUp movement, but there’s still plenty of work to do. 

At TakeAction Minnesota, we can’t help but imagine what our political system will be like—and what else will be possible—when more women and femmes are in public office. 

Here’s what we’ve been reading this week:

1. A record number of women are running for office this year

In the 2015-2016 election year, 900 women contacted Emily’s List about running for office. Since Trump was elected, more than 26,000 women contacted them. Read more about women running for office here.

2. Women of Color face some different obstacles around saying #MeToo

Different stereotypes, cultural expectations, and power-dynamics are contributing factors into harassment and assault perpetrated against Women of Color as well as cultural pressures on speaking up and how their voices are received if they do. Read about ten Women of Color as they share their experiences.

3. How current economic markers ignore work traditionally done by women and how to fix it

Economic measures like the GDP do not include care work and that makes it less likely that politicians will invest in making it better. Read more about it and how there are better options here.

4. We can’t ignore women’s voices in stories about criminal justice reform

Most conversations about prison and reentry focus on men, but women have important stories to tell too. Read one woman’s story and learn how other women have shared similar experiences.

5. Last year we marched, this year we vote 

This year, Women’s March organizers are focusing on Las Vegas—Nevada went Blue for the first time in 2016—and ten other swing states. Read about the work organizers have been doing and why women are marching this year.

6. Planned Parenthood is expanding transgender services

Planned Parenthood’s annual report thanked donors for helping them expand services so that 17 states now have Planned Parenthood clinics that provide hormone therapy. Read more about it and other ways that Planned Parenthood is working to make sure under-served communities have access to care.

7. ‘Quiet’ by MILCK has found a home in the #MeToo movement

Ani DiFranco once told MILCK “a lot of times, as musicians, we’re writing ourselves into existence.” Read more about how ‘Quiet’ became the anthem of the Women’s March and the #MeToo movement.

8. New Zealand’s Prime Minister announced that she’s having a baby and will take her 6 weeks maternity leave

“When asked how she coped forming government while also suffering from morning sickness, Ardern replied “it’s what ladies do”.” Read more about her announcement and the response here.

That’s a wrap. See you tomorrow at the Annual Meeting, and don’t forget to send us what you’re reading.

— Chris Conry and Kenza Hadj-Moussa