Blog Archives

Activist Cecelia Viel: How do we want people to come home?

When I testified on behalf of the renter’s rights ordinance in City Hall back in August, I wasn’t planning on mentioning my criminal record. I showed up because I just believed people deserve to have a place to stay. They deserve a place to call home.

But when one landlord mentioned that people with multiple felony convictions wouldn’t be good renters, I thought, “That’s not true.” And it just came out. I said—I’m one of those people.

The last place I rented, I paid $54,000 in rent. I was a tenant for 54 months. I never paid my rent late and I never had any problems. When I finally left that apartment, it was to buy my own home.

When I heard that the city had agreed to pass the renter’s rights ordinance, I thought, “Wow, this is awesome.” It’s a step. Hopefully one day it won’t be necessary to do a background check, period.

Housing has nothing in my mind to do with a person’s criminal background. Housing is a necessity that should be available to everyone.

Most people who are in prison will come back to our community. We have to ask ourselves: How do we want them to come home?

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Justice 4 All: Locked Up, Locked Out

At TakeAction Minnesota, we’re imagining a future where everyone can live joyful, dignified lives. No exceptions.

In this year’s Locked Up, Locked Out, Justice 4 All will discuss how the criminal justice system violates our values around housing, employment, and care. Together, we’re building a society to ensure everyone — including people with criminal records — can freely access housing, jobs, and care in order to thrive. Join us and discover how we can TakeAction  together! A light lunch will be provided.

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Mental Health Co-Responder Phone Bank

Everyone should have access to the care they need. When police departments respond to mental health calls, the first person on the scene should be a mental health professional — not a cop. Join our campaign to push for more mental health co-responders in the Twin Cities because no one should be treated harshly when they are asking for help.

Join our team to make phone calls for a phone bank to talk to our neighbors about why we need mental health rapid responders in our city.

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Drop-In Legislative Meetings

Register to meet with your legislators at these drop-in legislative meetings with TakeAction Minnesota.

We believe in a democracy where everyone is in, and no one is out. No exceptions. This is our opportunity to find legislators on a schedule that works for us, take up space in the Capitol, and have our legislators to listen our hopes and dreams for the future.

You must register to attend these drop-in legislative meetings. Meet TakeAction staff and leaders at the staircase outside the front entrance of the Capitol. And bring a friend. … Continue reading »

Drop-In Legislative Meetings

Register to meet with your legislators at these drop-in legislative meetings with TakeAction Minnesota.

We believe in a democracy where everyone is in, and no one is out. No exceptions. This is our opportunity to find legislators on a schedule that works for us, take up space in the Capitol, and have our legislators to listen our hopes and dreams for the future.

You must register to attend these drop-in legislative meetings. Meet TakeAction staff and leaders at the staircase outside the front entrance of the Capitol. And bring a friend. … Continue reading »

Drop-In Legislative Meetings

Register to meet with your legislators at these drop-in legislative meetings with TakeAction Minnesota.

We believe in a democracy where everyone is in, and no one is out. No exceptions. This is our opportunity to find legislators on a schedule that works for us, take up space in the Capitol, and have our legislators to listen our hopes and dreams for the future.

You must register to attend these drop-in legislative meetings. Meet TakeAction staff and leaders at the staircase outside the front entrance of the Capitol. And bring a friend. … Continue reading »

Drop-In Legislative Meetings

Register to meet with your legislators at these drop-in legislative meetings with TakeAction Minnesota.

We believe in a democracy where everyone is in, and no one is out. No exceptions. This is our opportunity to find legislators on a schedule that works for us, take up space in the Capitol, and have our legislators to listen our hopes and dreams for the future.

You must register to attend these drop-in legislative meetings. Meet TakeAction staff and leaders at the staircase outside the front entrance of the Capitol. And bring a friend. … Continue reading »

Justice 4 All Member Meeting

At TakeAction Minnesota, we believe in a democracy where everyone is in, no one is out. No exceptions. That’s why we’re organizing to restore voting rights to 52,000+ Minnesotans who cannot vote because of their criminal background. They are impacted by the same laws just as you and I. They are our loved ones, our friends, our neighbors, and more. When we restore voting rights to them, we are restoring the voice, dignity, and respect that our system has stripped from them.

Join us for an evening where Justice 4 All (J4A) members come together to bring real stories and real conversations about our criminal justice system and restoring voting rights to the table. Legislators will be present. Light appetizers will be provided.


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Justice 4 All Member Meeting

At TakeAction Minnesota, we believe in a people-centered democracy where everyone is in and no one is out. No exceptions. That’s why TakeAction Minnesota and partner organizations have worked on a bill these past 7+ years that will restore voting rights to over 52,000 Minnesotans who can’t vote due to their criminal record. More than ever, we need leaders like you to join the movement at the State Capitol this year to achieve this vision.

Join us for an evening where we will take action on our legislators and fight for Restore the Vote!

*Light appetizers provided*

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Restore the Vote Press Conference

Restore the Vote Coalition is hosting a Press Conference to support the Voter Restoration Bill (HF40) on Tuesday, March 7th. 

The Minnesota state constitution bans people from voting despite the 1965 Voting Rights Act. We must hold our government accountable and demand for voting rights that includes everyone.

Join Rep. Ray Dehn, Sen. Bobby Joe Champion and over fifty organization fighting for criminal justice reform on the fiftieth anniversary of the March on Selma. Show up to support restoring the vote. 

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Restore the Vote: Subcommittee on Elections Hearing

Let’s pack the room and hold legislators accountable to restoring dignity and voice in our democracy.

Chair: Rep. Raymond Dehn
Location: Capitol 120 (NOTE LOCATION CHANGE)

HF40 (Dehn)
Civil right to vote restored to an individual released from incarceration or upon sentencing if no incarceration is imposed, notice required, and county attorney obligation to investigate voter registration and eligibility.

If you would like to testify, please contact Amanda Rudolph at

The Restore the Vote Coalition has a list of speakers for the hearing and welcome everyone to testify.


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Party at the People’s House: Day of Action at the MN Capitol

Save the date for TakeAction Minnesota’s Lobby Day!

We believe in a politics grounded in joy, collective liberation, and co-governance. And that’s a future worth celebrating. Join us on February 28 and put into practice the politics we want to build. Our Party at the People’s House isn’t your typical lobby day. Sure, we’ll be training on legislative visits, building relationships with elected officials, and meeting with legislators to talk about the policies that affect our daily lives. But we’ll be doing more than that. We’ll be taking up space, sharing our stories, and demonstrating what joyful, courageous, and powerful action looks like. Share your collective vision for health care for all, paid time to care, and criminal justice reform—and the real stories that ground you in these fights. Take action with us. Party at the People’s House and let’s win the policies our communities deserve.

We will follow-up with participants in the coming weeks with details, including schedule and location. Lunch will be provided. Contact Sabrina Mauritz at for more information about accessibility and other concerns.

Register here. 

We’re fighting for this people-centered agenda:

  • MinnesotaCare Buy-In. The pathway to simple, affordable, universal health care is through public health insurance, not the failing private market.
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Justice 4 All Monthly Member Meeting

Join Justice 4 All (J4A) in this monthly member meeting and storytelling training. In J4A, we believe that people-made problems in the systems we live in can be solved by people.  However, it takes all of us coming together to make that happen.

Come learn how to share your lived experiences in a powerful way that will move the hearts of legislators and your neighbors to champion criminal justice reform this year. We welcome everyone and anyone who cares deeply about fighting for criminal justice reform. A light dinner will be provided. 

Register here.

*Justice 4 All is a program at TakeAction Minnesota that is dedicated to organizing for criminal justice reform.… Continue reading »

The FIRST STEP Act is a small step toward criminal justice reform, though concerns loom

Contact: Kenza Hadj-Moussa, 612-386-9556


The FIRST STEP Act is a small step toward criminal justice reform, though concerns loom

St. Paul, MN —Last night, the U.S. Senate passed the FIRST STEP Act, bipartisan criminal justice reform legislation. Poised to pass the House, the bill reduces harsh sentencing and the length of mandatory minimum sentences and includes early release programs for non-violent, low-risk offenders. The FIRST STEP Act only affects those in the federal system, and excludes inmates from benefitting from provisions like the “earned time credits” based on algorithms, immigration status, and offense type.

TakeAction Minnesota Executive Director Elianne Farhat released the following statement:

“The FIRST STEP Act is exactly that—a first step. Our broken criminal justice system unfairly incarcerates millions of people in the U.S. and thousands of Minnesotans each year. This is a small, but meaningful, victory for many of the formerly and currently incarcerated people and their families who have been leading the movement for criminal justice reform in our country. The FIRST STEP Act reminds us that criminal justice reform is not a partisan issue, it’s about our families and our communities.

While a step in the right direction—it’s not enough. In addition to its limited scope, we have serious concerns about provisions in the bill supporting the privatization of post-prison rehabilitation programs so that companies like CoreCivic and GEO Group might profit.… Continue reading »

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Dreaming a New Minnesota Together – TakeAction Minnesota Welcome Lunch

At TakeAction Minnesota, we believe people are the center of politics. If you are new to activism and politics, join us to talk about opportunities that the new year will bring. We will discuss the work done by our Womxn of Color table, Justice4All, the African Voting Bloc, our healthcare team, and the rest of TakeAction Minnesota. This is an exciting opportunity to meet other folks ready to lead during the legislative session and build a political home.

Lunch will be provided.

Childcare and transportation available upon request.

Register Here.Continue reading »

Justice 4 All Member Meeting

 Justice 4 All is ready to kickstart the new year and lobby at the Capitol to restore voting rights to formerly incarcerated people and more! Here’s your chance to join the movement and get a taste of what’s to come!

Take action right now. Join us at this J4A Member Meeting where you will meet progressive leaders like you and train on how to meet with your legislators in 2019!


*Justice 4 All is a program at TakeAction Minnesota that is dedicated to organizing for criminal justice reform.… Continue reading »

Second Chance Coalition Day on the Hill

Join over 60 Minnesota organizations for the Second Chance Day on the Hill at the Minnesota State Capitol Rotunda.

The best way for you to influence the polices that impact you and those you care about is by meeting in person with your legislators. This year we will only be visiting legislators if we have a pre-scheduled meeting for at least one constituent.

Between the hundreds that show up to the rally and the visits that happen, this is the greatest way to show our law makers that Second Chances are important for ALL Minnesotans.

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GOTV: Justice 4 All Day

If one of us is not free, none of us are free. We have to move away from mass incarceration system that fractures our communities and toward a healing liberation that centers community, justice, and restoration. Join TakeAction Minnesota for our Justice 4 All Day on Thursday, November 1. We’ll be working to get out the vote for candidates like Tim Walz and Peggy Flanagan, who will fight for a more just criminal justice system and a better, more holistic future for all of us. Sign up for a shift today.

Register here. Continue reading »

J4A & WOC Text/Phone Bank

At TakeAction Minnesota, we center our values in every work that we do. We strip away the walls of racism, gender oppression, and classism that’s always trapped us since young. We reclaim our identity by building a politics where shared values are the building blocks of our government.

We invite YOU to take action with us in the August 14 Primary Elections! TakeAction Minnesota has endorsed candidates statewide who care deeply about centering criminal justice reform and women of color in their work. This year is our opportunity to ensure that our government reflects our deepest values as a community, and that means we need to get out the vote for August 14 to make sure our candidates lead in their race!

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J4A & WOC Door Knock

At TakeAction Minnesota, we center our values in every work that we do. We strip away the walls of racism, gender oppression, and classism that’s always trapped us since young. We reclaim our identity by building a politics where shared values are the building blocks of our government.

We invite YOU to take action with us in the August 14 Primary Elections! TakeAction Minnesota has endorsed candidates statewide who care deeply about centering criminal justice reform and women of color in their work. This year is our opportunity to ensure that our government reflects our deepest values as a community, and that means we need to get out the vote for August 14 to make sure our candidates lead in their race!

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J4A & WOC Door Knock

At TakeAction Minnesota, we center our values in every work that we do. We strip away the walls of racism, gender oppression, and classism that’s always trapped us since young. We reclaim our identity by building a politics where shared values are the building blocks of our government.

We invite YOU to take action with us in the August 14 Primary Elections! TakeAction Minnesota has endorsed candidates statewide who care deeply about centering criminal justice reform and women of color in their work. This year is our opportunity to ensure that our government reflects our deepest values as a community, and that means we need to get out the vote for August 14 to make sure our candidates lead in their race!


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J4A & WOC Text/Phone Bank

At TakeAction Minnesota, we center our values in every work that we do. We strip away the walls of racism, gender oppression, and classism that’s always trapped us since young. We reclaim our identity by building a politics where shared values are the building blocks of our government.

We invite YOU to take action with us in the August 14 Primary Elections! TakeAction Minnesota has endorsed candidates statewide who care deeply about centering criminal justice reform and women of color in their work. This year is our opportunity to ensure that our government reflects our deepest values as a community, and that means we need to get out the vote for August 14 to make sure our candidates lead in their race!

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J4A & WOC Door Knock

At TakeAction Minnesota, we center our values in every work that we do. We strip away the walls of racism, gender oppression, and classism that’s always trapped us since young. We reclaim our identity by building a politics where shared values are the building blocks of our government.

We invite YOU to take action with us in the August 14 Primary Elections! TakeAction Minnesota has endorsed candidates statewide who care deeply about centering criminal justice reform and women of color in their work. This year is our opportunity to ensure that our government reflects our deepest values as a community, and that means we need to get out the vote for August 14 to make sure our candidates lead in their race!


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Public Hearing on Restore the Vote

Representative Dehn’s voting rights restoration bill will be heard this Thursday, March 22 in the Public Safety Committee! Join us in this public hearing to share with legislators why Restore the Vote is needed in our movement for a criminal justice reform!


Committee Details
Thursday, March 22, 2018
10:15 AM
Room: 10 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Brian Johnson
HF3505 – (Anderson): Theft offenses penalties enhanced.
HF3611 – (Grossell): Law enforcement agencies required to issue firearms to peace officers.
HF3479 – (Franke): Controlled substance schedules modified.
HF3610 – (Johnson): Penalty for assaulting a police officer enhanced.
HF951 – (Dehn): Civil right to vote restored to an individual upon release from incarceration or upon sentencing if no incarceration is imposed, notice required, and county attorney obligation to promptly investigate voter registration and eligibility repealed.

For more information, contact TAMN Organizer Nelsie Yang at 763-291-3738 or!… Continue reading »

J4A Locked Up, Locked Out

We will be hosting roundtable discussions to provide opportunities for community members to share how they’ve been impacted by the criminal justice system, listen to powerful stories from guest speakers who have criminal records, and vote on which criminal justice issues should be prioritized in the Justice For All movement.

Locked Up, Locked Out will be held on Saturday, April 28, 2018 from 11:00AM-2:00PM at the Neighborhood Hub on 3120 Washburn Ave N, Minneapolis, MN 55411.

CLICK HERE TO REGISTER!Continue reading »

J4A Phonebank – April 19

We believe that in order for us to be truly free, we ALL must be freed from the oppression, no matter if we have a criminal record. We are inviting all J4A supporters and leaders into our vision of Mass Liberation at our Locked Up, Locked Out event on Saturday, April 28, 2018 from 11:00AM-2:00PM at the Neighborhood Hub on 3120 Washburn Ave N, Minneapolis, MN 55411. We’re looking forward to a having a full house, and in order to make that happen, we need you at the phones with us! Join us for our Tuesday & Thursday phonebanks from 6:00PM-8:00PM at Take Action Minnesota’s Office (705 Raymond Avenue, Saint Paul, MN 55114). Thanks for your leadership, and see you soon! CLICK HERE TO REGISTER!Continue reading »