Activist Cecelia Viel: How do we want people to come home?

When I testified on behalf of the renter’s rights ordinance in City Hall back in August, I wasn’t planning on mentioning my criminal record. I showed up because I just believed people deserve to have a place to stay. They deserve a place to call home.
But when one landlord mentioned that people with multiple felony convictions wouldn’t be good renters, I thought, “That’s not true.” And it just came out. I said—I’m one of those people.
The last place I rented, I paid $54,000 in rent. I was a tenant for 54 months. I never paid my rent late and I never had any problems. When I finally left that apartment, it was to buy my own home.
When I heard that the city had agreed to pass the renter’s rights ordinance, I thought, “Wow, this is awesome.” It’s a step. Hopefully one day it won’t be necessary to do a background check, period.
Housing has nothing in my mind to do with a person’s criminal background. Housing is a necessity that should be available to everyone.
… Continue reading »Most people who are in prison will come back to our community. We have to ask ourselves: How do we want them to come home?