People Over Profits: Our Stories

Minnesotans are struggling under the weight of prescription drug costs. We have a choice this session: allow our health care money to go to profits, or pass legislation to make sure our health care money goes to care. This week, we’re sharing stories of how the rising cost of prescription drugs are affecting every day Minnesotans.
“I lost my job last month. My first fear wasn’t how am I going to eat or pay rent. My first fear was, ‘How am I going to afford my mental health medications that will help me survive during this extremely challenging time, when my mental health is in most jeopardy?’ Even before I applied for unemployment, I applied for MinnesotaCare. I thankfully was able to get on a program to keep my medications.” -Andy, Minneapolis
“I’ve had over 25 kidney stones in my life, but I stopped taking a medication prescribed to prevent forming new stones because it costs more than $1000 for three months’ worth of pills. When I was first prescribed the medication, I had great employers sponsored insurance which covered the costs. Now, I have to buy my insurance on the exchange and there is no way I can afford the cost.… Continue reading »