Contact: Kenza Hadj-Moussa, TakeAction Minnesota, 612-386-9556
Mayor Frey and Local Elected Officials to Reaffirm that Minneapolis Stands United for All of Our Residents (TODAY)
Minneapolis elected officials and leaders say Minnesotans want our government to be of, by and for the people
WHAT: News conference with Minneapolis elected officials
WHEN: Thurs., Oct. 10, 2019 at 8:30 a.m. (today)
WHERE: Minneapolis City Hall Rotunda 350 S 5th St, Minneapolis, MN 55415
WHO: Elianne Farhat, executive director, TakeAction Minnesota
Jacob Frey, Minneapolis Mayor
Jeremiah Ellison, Minneapolis City Councilor Ward 5
Patricia Torres Ray, State Senator District 63
Lisa Bender, Minneapolis City Council President, Ward 10
Local and state elected officials will be attending and available for quotes and interviews. Any additional speakers will be announced in the morning. The president will be holding his first rally since being under impeachment inquiry at 7 p.m. at the Minneapolis Target Center.
TakeAction Minnesota is a statewide, independent, multiracial people’s organization working to advance democracy and equity through organizing, political action, and campaigns. Offices are located in St. Paul, Duluth, and St. Cloud.
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