Blog Archives

St. Cloud Community Meeting: East Side

TakeAction Minnesota is spending this summer talking to people in St. Cloud about what they need to thrive. TakeAction Minnesota is hosting a community meeting for our neighbors who live on the East Side of St. Cloud. We’ll share our struggles, brainstorm solutions, and imagine a St. Cloud where we can all live joyful, dignified lives. Join us to build a St. Cloud for us, by us. 

Register here. Continue reading »

Women of Color Dinner

We know that our stories and experiences are key to our liberation. When we share them, we build community and begin to heal together.

Join us for our August Women of Color Dinner. Come meet our new WOC organizer, Jamila Mame, and build with us. We’ll be sharing the pain and frustration that comes with living in a world with misogyny, racism, and xenophobia. And imagining a future where we can all live dignified, joyful lives.

Register here:… Continue reading »

St Cloud July Meeting: Environmental, Economic and Care Justice

We are in a moment where the City Council is wrestling with what to do with Councilmember who make xenophobic comments and supports racist organizations. At the same time, we have presidential candidates broadening their platforms to be more representative of America.

Because of these things we are planning to host a political education meeting that includes training and resources on economic justice, environmental justice and care justice with a racial just lens.

As you can see the theme is focused around justice, how we make our communities more just and how do we fight for that in a way that brings people in rather than push people out. As we are pulled into the 2020 cycle its important that we focus on what is best for the St Cloud community. This is part of that conversation!

Please register here.   Share on Facebook here!
Childcare and transportation are available if requested by the 22th.

Please feel free to reach out with any questions!… Continue reading »

The Alabama Abortion Ban

Last night, 25 white men in Alabama passed one of the most restrictive abortion laws in the country. For weeks, we’ve been watching predominately white men in Georgia, Ohio, and Alabama, pass laws that restrict women’s health care, traumatize victims, throw doctors in jail, and slap pregnant women with felony convictions if they need abortion care.

Give Mothers What They Deserve. Give Them Paid Time to Care.

When I first found I out that I was pregnant in December, I was over the moon with excitement.  Not only was our family about to grow, but I felt an amazing sense of responsibility, awe, and wonder. I am already a mother to my bonus kids, but I felt excited to experience pregnancy and giving birth for the first time. 

Oddly, out of the blue, I also started feeling an overwhelming sense of anxiety. I couldn’t put my finger on it. I worked in childcare for over 5 years. I’m the oldest of seven kids. I have been around babies my whole life and I have seen five births in person. I’m also 36, so the jig is up. I feel prepared and know what to expect.

So where was this anxiety coming from?

Then one day my mom was reminiscing about her pregnancies with me and my siblings. About how she watched me roll from one side of her belly to the other, and the way her body changed during each pregnancy. She talked about the food cravings she had with each of us (all different, of course). 

Then she talked about working right up until she went into delivery, and going back to work no more than two weeks after having us.… Continue reading »

Emergency Teach-In at the Capitol

Sign up to join us online or in-person for this emergency action!

Over the course of the legislative session, Minnesotans have been courageously sharing their stories and making clear demands about what we need to live lives of joy:
-100% Clean Energy
-A health care system that centers people, not profits
-Paid time to care
-Dignity and safety at work
-The right to vote

While the MN House has acted in support of these priorities, the Senate GOP majority has acted to actively ignore or harm our families. We are an abundant state and there is enough for all of us, when everyone pays their fair share.

We have a choice. We can go down the old path, or we can write a new story that’s about our lives and the hope we have for this state, whether we’re white, Black, brown, or Indigenous. We can listen to powerful corporate interest groups or we can listen to people and communities.

Sign Up Here!

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STATEMENT: Statement on Paid Sick Time Expected To Pass in the House Jobs Omnibus Bill


April 24, 2019 

Contact: Kenza Hadj-Moussa, 612-386-9556,

Josh Keller, 612-270-2984,

Statement on Paid Sick Time Expected To Pass in the House Jobs Omnibus Bill

St. Paul—Tonight, the Minnesota House is expected to pass Earned Sick and Safe Time, which would expand paid sick days across the state. Three cities, Minneapolis, St. Paul, and Duluth, have already passed local sick time ordinances. The House bill would allow workers up to 48 hours per year to care for themselves or a loved one.

TakeAction Minnesota and SEIU State Council released the following statement:

“We applaud the Minnesota House for passing their omnibus Jobs and Energy bill, which included HF11 the paid sick time bill. Paid time to care is critical to building a family friendly state that works for all of us. Minnesotans believe every person has inherent worth and dignity and that no one should have to choose between caring for themselves or a loved one and a paycheck.

For years, women, people of color, and working people have raised our voices for this basic workplace standard. Paid time to care means being able to comfort a sick child, go to the doctor, and seek safety, without losing pay.

We’re excited that paid sick time was included in the House Jobs bill.… Continue reading »

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Drop-In Legislative Meetings

Register to meet with your legislators at these drop-in legislative meetings with TakeAction Minnesota.

We believe in a democracy where everyone is in, and no one is out. No exceptions. This is our opportunity to find legislators on a schedule that works for us, take up space in the Capitol, and have our legislators to listen our hopes and dreams for the future.

You must register to attend these drop-in legislative meetings. Meet TakeAction staff and leaders at the staircase outside the front entrance of the Capitol. And bring a friend. … Continue reading »

Drop-In Legislative Meetings

Register to meet with your legislators at these drop-in legislative meetings with TakeAction Minnesota.

We believe in a democracy where everyone is in, and no one is out. No exceptions. This is our opportunity to find legislators on a schedule that works for us, take up space in the Capitol, and have our legislators to listen our hopes and dreams for the future.

You must register to attend these drop-in legislative meetings. Meet TakeAction staff and leaders at the staircase outside the front entrance of the Capitol. And bring a friend. … Continue reading »

Drop-In Legislative Meetings

Register to meet with your legislators at these drop-in legislative meetings with TakeAction Minnesota.

We believe in a democracy where everyone is in, and no one is out. No exceptions. This is our opportunity to find legislators on a schedule that works for us, take up space in the Capitol, and have our legislators to listen our hopes and dreams for the future.

You must register to attend these drop-in legislative meetings. Meet TakeAction staff and leaders at the staircase outside the front entrance of the Capitol. And bring a friend. … Continue reading »

Drop-In Legislative Meetings

Register to meet with your legislators at these drop-in legislative meetings with TakeAction Minnesota.

We believe in a democracy where everyone is in, and no one is out. No exceptions. This is our opportunity to find legislators on a schedule that works for us, take up space in the Capitol, and have our legislators to listen our hopes and dreams for the future.

You must register to attend these drop-in legislative meetings. Meet TakeAction staff and leaders at the staircase outside the front entrance of the Capitol. And bring a friend. … Continue reading »

Duluth: Patch-Through Phone Bank for Healthcare and Climate

We believe we can live in a Minnesota that is for us, by us. Join us for a phone bank to connect constituents with their legislators. We will be calling Minnesotans, connecting constituents with their legislators to support bills protecting and expanding our health care and moving Minnesota toward 100% clean energy.

Everybody in, nobody out. No exceptions.

Register here.Continue reading »

People’s House Series: A Family Friendly Minnesota

Our Capitol, Our Voices Courage is contagious. This week, women, young people, POC & immigrant workers, and people from all walks of life were at the Capitol to call for action. Bad ass high school students, Grace, Maddy, and Lia, testified to lawmakers why we need urgent action to prevent further damage to our environment. Ami, a courageous survivor, shared her story about being sexually harassed and stalked for a year working at Perkins. Robin Pikala and Kevin Osborn were among the workers speaking out to #StopWageTheft. Next week, working people and families will be at the Capitol again supporting paid time to care with Earned Sick and Safe Time. But there’s an even bigger story to tell.

Party at the People’s House: Day of Action at the MN Capitol

Save the date for TakeAction Minnesota’s Lobby Day!

We believe in a politics grounded in joy, collective liberation, and co-governance. And that’s a future worth celebrating. Join us on February 28 and put into practice the politics we want to build. Our Party at the People’s House isn’t your typical lobby day. Sure, we’ll be training on legislative visits, building relationships with elected officials, and meeting with legislators to talk about the policies that affect our daily lives. But we’ll be doing more than that. We’ll be taking up space, sharing our stories, and demonstrating what joyful, courageous, and powerful action looks like. Share your collective vision for health care for all, paid time to care, and criminal justice reform—and the real stories that ground you in these fights. Take action with us. Party at the People’s House and let’s win the policies our communities deserve.

We will follow-up with participants in the coming weeks with details, including schedule and location. Lunch will be provided. Contact Sabrina Mauritz at for more information about accessibility and other concerns.

Register here. 

We’re fighting for this people-centered agenda:

  • MinnesotaCare Buy-In. The pathway to simple, affordable, universal health care is through public health insurance, not the failing private market.
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Building Minnesota in 2019 – Duluth

We had a lot of wins in the last year and some difficult losses.  Join us to dream big and learn what we have planned locally and statewide to build a better Minnesota this year.  We will have breakouts on lobbying with your representatives, upcoming municipal elections, and our work with Vision Duluth.


Free food, childcare, and transportation (within Duluth area) will be provided.… Continue reading »

St Cloud Member Meeting: Building Power with Legislators

Our political arena at this moment is controlled by corporate power and political elites. Because of this, many people and their values are left out of the conversation. We believe to change this reality, we need to build authentic power with our leaders. Whether it’s a city council member or a U.S. Senator, building power to advance progressive policies is important and at the core of the work TakeAction Minnesota does during the legislative session.

Join TakeAction members and leaders at our St. Cloud member meeting to learn how to build power with legislators. Attend breakout sessions on our three legislative opportunities we’ve identified.

The first part of this meeting will be a training on how to build power with legislators. The second half will be breakout sessions on the three legislative priorities. Join us to learn, ask questions, and grow your own community leadership skills.

Building Power with Your Legislators Training:

Voting is important, but even more so are the many ways people get involved after Election Day to hold our representatives accountable. This training prepares you to go deeper with your legislator and to help you get in a relationship with the very issues they are elected to tackle.… Continue reading »

Dreaming a New Minnesota Together – TakeAction Minnesota Welcome Lunch

At TakeAction Minnesota, we believe people are the center of politics. If you are new to activism and politics, join us to talk about opportunities that the new year will bring. We will discuss the work done by our Womxn of Color table, Justice4All, the African Voting Bloc, our healthcare team, and the rest of TakeAction Minnesota. This is an exciting opportunity to meet other folks ready to lead during the legislative session and build a political home.

Lunch will be provided.

Childcare and transportation available upon request.

Register Here.Continue reading »

I’m Voting for Reproductive Freedom on Nov. 6

My name is Aliya, and I am TakeAction Minnesota’s deputy communications director.

I’m excited to vote for candidates who will stand for reproductive freedoms this November—candidates like Tina Smith, Tim Walz, Peggy Flanagan, and Keith Ellison. They’ve pledged to fight for the rights of all Minnesotans so that no matter your gender, race, or zip code, all of us are able to make our own decisions about our bodies and our health care.

My mother grew up poor, in rural Pennsylvania, living part of her childhood with her grandmother because her parents didn’t have enough to make ends meet. Intergenerational trauma and poverty significantly limited the choices my mother had— and the choices that she even knew were possible.

My father immigrated from Pakistan, raising me and my sister in a small town in the Midwest as a single parent. I’m grateful for the sacrifices he made, but I wish he had more tools and resources so that he didn’t have to sacrifice so much.

I grew up in drastically different circumstances than either of my parents, with more resources and choices than they had. I believe that everyone should have access to the choices and care they need, not just a select few. Continue reading »

TakeAction Minnesota Statement on Confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – September 26, 2018

Contact: Kenza Hadj-Moussa, TakeAction Minnesota, 612-386-9556


St. Paul—Last week, nearly 11 million people watched as Dr. Christine Blasey Ford bravely appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee to testify about a sexual assault committed by Brett Kavanaugh, U.S. Supreme Court nominee. Women and survivors across the country came forward in support of Dr. Ford, courageously sharing their own experiences of sexual violence.

At the same time, people watched as Brett Kavanaugh proved he is unfit to serve on the Supreme Court with antagonist responses, lies, and partisan conspiracy theories. Minnesotans joined Americans across the country to take to the streets and demand Senators vote no on Kavanaugh’s confirmation. Today the Senate failed to live up to their responsibility to listen to the people they represent and confirmed Kavanaugh to the highest court of our country.

Elianne Farhat, TakeAction Minnesota’s executive director, released the following statement:

“At TakeAction Minnesota, we believe that when our private pain is brought into public memory, we can work towards healing and justice. Our members are grieving today—and rightfully so. But just as we grieve together, we organize together. We are building a people-centered democracy because we refuse to settle for elected officials who play politics with our dignity and humanity.Continue reading »

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WoMN Knocking for WoMN in Duluth

Join us for our annual WoMN knocking for WoMN event. We will be out in the neighborhoods of Duluth, knocking on doors for our endorsed candidates including Tim Walz, Peggy Flanagan, Liz Olson, and Jen Schultz. We’ll be talking to voters about gender equity and creating a progressive future for Minnesota.

Register here. 

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J4A & WOC Text/Phone Bank

At TakeAction Minnesota, we center our values in every work that we do. We strip away the walls of racism, gender oppression, and classism that’s always trapped us since young. We reclaim our identity by building a politics where shared values are the building blocks of our government.

We invite YOU to take action with us in the August 14 Primary Elections! TakeAction Minnesota has endorsed candidates statewide who care deeply about centering criminal justice reform and women of color in their work. This year is our opportunity to ensure that our government reflects our deepest values as a community, and that means we need to get out the vote for August 14 to make sure our candidates lead in their race!

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J4A & WOC Door Knock

At TakeAction Minnesota, we center our values in every work that we do. We strip away the walls of racism, gender oppression, and classism that’s always trapped us since young. We reclaim our identity by building a politics where shared values are the building blocks of our government.

We invite YOU to take action with us in the August 14 Primary Elections! TakeAction Minnesota has endorsed candidates statewide who care deeply about centering criminal justice reform and women of color in their work. This year is our opportunity to ensure that our government reflects our deepest values as a community, and that means we need to get out the vote for August 14 to make sure our candidates lead in their race!

CLICK HERE TO REGISTER!Continue reading »

J4A & WOC Door Knock

At TakeAction Minnesota, we center our values in every work that we do. We strip away the walls of racism, gender oppression, and classism that’s always trapped us since young. We reclaim our identity by building a politics where shared values are the building blocks of our government.

We invite YOU to take action with us in the August 14 Primary Elections! TakeAction Minnesota has endorsed candidates statewide who care deeply about centering criminal justice reform and women of color in their work. This year is our opportunity to ensure that our government reflects our deepest values as a community, and that means we need to get out the vote for August 14 to make sure our candidates lead in their race!


CLICK HERE TO REGISTER!Continue reading »

J4A & WOC Text/Phone Bank

At TakeAction Minnesota, we center our values in every work that we do. We strip away the walls of racism, gender oppression, and classism that’s always trapped us since young. We reclaim our identity by building a politics where shared values are the building blocks of our government.

We invite YOU to take action with us in the August 14 Primary Elections! TakeAction Minnesota has endorsed candidates statewide who care deeply about centering criminal justice reform and women of color in their work. This year is our opportunity to ensure that our government reflects our deepest values as a community, and that means we need to get out the vote for August 14 to make sure our candidates lead in their race!

CLICK HERE TO REGISTER!Continue reading »

J4A & WOC Door Knock

At TakeAction Minnesota, we center our values in every work that we do. We strip away the walls of racism, gender oppression, and classism that’s always trapped us since young. We reclaim our identity by building a politics where shared values are the building blocks of our government.

We invite YOU to take action with us in the August 14 Primary Elections! TakeAction Minnesota has endorsed candidates statewide who care deeply about centering criminal justice reform and women of color in their work. This year is our opportunity to ensure that our government reflects our deepest values as a community, and that means we need to get out the vote for August 14 to make sure our candidates lead in their race!


CLICK HERE TO REGISTER!Continue reading »

Vision Duluth ESST Celebration

Vision Duluth has worked together for two years to pass earned sick & safe time in Duluth – and on May 29th, 2018 the Duluth City Council voted to pass an ordinance!  We should be really proud of what we were able to accomplish together.  We became the 44th ESST policy nationwide – and only the 10th to pass inclusive family language.

Please join us as we celebrate the passage of the ordinance, the work we’ve done together & the many folks that were involved at every stage and in every aspect of the campaign.

We will gather for beverages & food, share stories & and continue to build our relationships with one another.

All are welcome – so please invite folks to join.… Continue reading »

Duluth Workers Win Earned Sick and Safe Time

Contact: Kenza Hadj-Moussa, 612-386-9556

May 29, 2018


Duluth—For months, workers in Duluth have been organizing to raise local employment standards. Tonight, Duluth workers won Earned Sick and Safe Time. The Duluth City Council passed a policy that allows workers to earn paid time to care for themselves or a loved one by a 7-1 vote.

“Duluth’s strength is that we come together to find solutions. We care about each other,” said Em Westerlund, a City Councilor from the Third District. “This ordinance helps level the playing field for working people from every background. We listened to the community, and I’m proud of the difference this will make for Duluth families.”

The new ordinance takes effect January 1, 2020 and allows workers to earn up to 40 hours per year of paid sick time. 

“Every worker, regardless of who they are or how much they make deserves the time to care of themselves or a loved one. This ordinance reflects who are as Minnesotans,” said Candy Winkler, executive director of PAVSA. “Our City Council heard our voices and came up with a solution that improves people’s lives. This is an accomplishment.”

“We have been waiting for this for a long time,” said Todd Gustafson with UFCW 1189.… Continue reading »

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