Blog Archives

Duluth ESST Task Force Input Session #3

The Duluth earned sick & safe time task force is holding three final public input sessions to let the community respond to their proposed options for an ordinance. At these sessions, they’ll make available what they see is a list of options that could be included in an ordinance per their research and survey process. Things like, potential accrual rates, who is covered/not covered, which businesses would be covered, and what would enforcement look like. Please join us to advocate for what we know is needed!… Continue reading »

Duluth ESST Task Force Input Session #2

The Duluth earned sick & safe time task force is holding three final public input sessions to let the community respond to their proposed options for an ordinance. At these sessions, they’ll make available what they see is a list of options that could be included in an ordinance per their research and survey process. Things like, potential accrual rates, who is covered/not covered, which businesses would be covered, and what would enforcement look like. Please join us to advocate for what we know is needed!… Continue reading »

Duluth ESST Task Force Input Session #1

The Duluth earned sick & safe time task force is holding three final public input sessions to let the community respond to their proposed options for an ordinance. At these sessions, they’ll make available what they see is a list of options that could be included in an ordinance per their research and survey process. Things like, potential accrual rates, who is covered/not covered, which businesses would be covered, and what would enforcement look like. Please join us to advocate for what we know is needed!… Continue reading »

Leadership Assembly on Duluth Council Races

Please join Duluth leaders and partner organizations to screen and endorse in the following races. Candidates invited:

  • District 2: Joel Sipress-inc.
  • District 4: Howie Hansen-inc.; Renee Van Nett; Tom Furman
  • At-Large: Zach Filipovich-inc; Barb Russ-inc; Janet Kennedy; Rich Updegrove
Thursday, July 13, 2017 @ 6:00 PM Duluth Office TakeAction MN, 25 N 21st Ave W, Duluth, MN 55806Continue reading »

Tell Rep. Emmer: Hear Our Voice!

On July 5th, concerned community members of the sixth Congressional District will come together to share their stories of how recent votes made by Rep. Tom Emmer will directly effect themselves and their families. Together, we have attempted to share our stories with Tom Emmer multiple times in many different ways, and his actions in DC show that he is not hearing us or responding to our concerns, particularly on health care and the devastating impacts of the AHCA (also known as TrumpCare). Together, Concerned Citizens of District Six have raised money from every day people to share their concerns with Tom Emmer via several billboards placed around the Sixth District.

Join us, bring signs and share your story and concerns! Register here so we can send you details. Continue reading »

Cities, States Deliver Paid Leave so Survivors Can ‘Get Safe’

The lack of paid time off from work can spell economic disaster, or worse, for people escaping abuse.

Shawnu Ksicinski, a worker rights’ advocate, told Rewire about domestic violence survivors “fired for showing up with bruises on their face.”

“They lost their jobs because instead of staying home, or being able to seek medical assistance, they were going to work,” said Ksicinski, Duluth program manager with TakeAction Minnesota. The organization is pushing for paid sick time and “safe time” in cities around the state.

A growing movement is making it possible for survivors of domestic violence to take time off, with pay, to care for themselves and their families—without sacrificing their income or jeopardizing their jobs.

“To get a protective order, to get housing, to take time off for anything you might have to deal with,” said Sherry Leiwant, co-founder and co-president of A Better Balance, which advocates for workers and families. “To get safe, essentially.”

Legislators in at least seven states, 14 cities, and the District of Columbia have passed laws to make safe time available to survivors of domestic violence, according to A Better Balance. The measures also apply to survivors of sexual assault and stalking. 

A dozen safe time provisions were passed in 2016. Safe time provisions are being written into paid leave laws, even appearing in ballot measures in states with GOP-held legislatures, like Arizona.… Continue reading »

Mpls Candidate Forum Wards 11 and 13

Join the Women of Color Table as they lead a candidate forum for Minneapolis Wards 11 and 13.

Monday, June 12, 2017 @ 5:30 PM

Take Action Minnesota, 705 Raymond Ave Ste 100, Saint Paul, MN 55114

Please join us for a discussion between community members and city council candidates.

Candidates invited:
Ward 11: John Quincy (incumbent), Erica Mauter, Jeremy Schroeder
Ward 13: Linea Palmisano (incumbent)… Continue reading »

TakeAction End of Session Lobby Day – May 20 with Education MN Rally

We believe we can make meaning of this political time by resisting and building like never before. In the final week of session, the actions and strategies we use are setting the foundation for future progress: having the power to set the agenda.

Join TakeAction members at the State Capitol on May 20th at 12 p.m. We will meet at Room G20A, located on Ground Floor of the Capitol Building, east corridor.

It’s critical we make our voices heard to our legislators and show that we are a forced to be reckoned. Show up to resist the many dangerous bills that will harm our communities, like preemption, or bills that cut millions from public health care programs, bills that will pollute the air we breath and water we drink, and others. Show up to believe that we can, and must, continue to fight for a Minnesota where all of us can thrive, no matter who’s the majority at the legislature or who’s our President.

We’ll meet up at noon, do a lobby training, and then join our partners at Education MN for a rally and march back to the Capitol, starting at 1pm. Be there.… Continue reading »

#BelieveResist Lobby Day

We believe we can make meaning of this political time by resisting and building like never before. In the final day of session, the actions and strategies we use are setting the foundation for future progress: having the power to set the agenda.

Hosted by our Climate Justice & leaders in Duluth, join TakeAction members at the State Capitol on May 22 . It’s critical we make our voices heard to our legislators and show that we are a forced to be reckoned. Show up to resist the many dangerous bills that will harm our communities, like preemption, or bills that cut millions from public health care programs, bills that will pollute the air we breath and water we drink, and others. Show up to believe that we can, and must, continue to fight for a Minnesota where all of us can thrive, no matter who’s the majority at the legislature or who’s our President. 

Transportation provided from Greater MN – food also provided.  Please let us know if you have childcare needs. Register here. Continue reading »

Womxn of Color Conference 2017

Presented by the Womxn of Color Table

We are setting out to elevate the emotional labor of womxn of color as the solution to what ails our policies, economy, and society.

Womxn of color are coming together to have a deeper conversation and understanding around our leadership.  We believe that if we are to resist AND sustain it is because we have engaged our intersectional lens holistically.  Come and have an experience-informed conversation on the intersections of healing, race, gender, and sexual identity. No prior training or experience necessary.  Continental breakfast, lunch, coffee, and snacks provided.  Free childcare and transportation available upon request (please use the tickets available in this form.)

We are creating a womxn of color only space.  Our rule of thumb for who is a womxn of color: if you identify in any way as “woman” or “femme” and the intentions of this group have personal meaning to you, then you are welcome here. Future opportunities for allies to enter this space will be clearly marked.

REGISTER BY CLICKING HERE: Womxn of Color – Encounter 2017

Continue reading »

April is Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention month, according to President Trump…

How are you doing on a physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual level? As TakeAction Minnesota’s Women of Color Organizer, asking this question to leaders at the end of our meetings has become a ritual. Does it break established norms? Absolutely. As each woman answers, her public and private selves merge. Her whole self comes forward.
In writing this, I’m trying to do something similar, wrestling with the intersection of sexism and racism and their impacts on our bodies and our politics.  

I have a brief message to everyone who reads on: your compassion and courage is needed in this struggle too. Remember, people in your life benefit from you learning about systems of oppression, and their impact. I urge you to let go of your need to fix it. For the next five minutes I simply ask you to read this and to reflect. 

Here we go. 

When I bring body, mind, heart, and spirit into a public, political meeting, I am counteracting the expectation that these parts of me are to be left in private—I’m going against the grain of society that organizes public life around male, white-dominant culture.  And this is not just true for me.… Continue reading »

WOC Strategy Committee 4.21

Presented by the Womxn of Color Table

This is a training series that is open to womxn of color to learn more about the political system, demystify the process of participating in it, and tapping into our inner reasons to participate.

We are creating a womxn of color only space.  Our rule of thumb for who is a womxn of color: if you identify in any ways as “woman” or “femme” and the intentions of this group have personal meaning to you, then you are welcome here Future opportunities for allies to enter this space will be clearly marked.

REGISTER BY CLICKING HERE: WOC Strategy Committee 4.21.2017Continue reading »

WOC Caucus & Delegate Training

Hosted by the WOC Table

WOC are coming together to demystify the political realm of caucusing, becoming a delegate, and what it means to be protectors of our community.  Guest speaker, Kashimana Ahua, will join us to share her story of how she became a National Delegate and what it means to her to be a WOC Leader in that space.

We are creating a womxn of color only space.  Our rule of thumb for who is a womxn of color: if you identify in any ways as “woman” or “femme” and the intentions of this group have personal meaning to you, then you are welcome here. Future opportunities for allies to enter this space will be clearly marked.


REGISTER BY CLICKING HERE: WOC Caucus & Delegate Training 4.3.17Continue reading »

Health Care Day of Action

Join us at TakeAction’s office for a health care direct action led by Women of Color at 11 am, and then ride the light rail with us to the Capitol for a joint Lobby Day with our allies from ISAIAH and MNA at 1 pm. If you can’t make it at 11 am you can meet us directly at 1 pm at Christ Lutheran Church, 105 University Ave W, St. Paul, MN 55103.

It’s time to share our stories with the decision-makers and demand access to quality, affordable health care!

Sign up here: reading »

Looking Back in Power, Moving Forward in Strength: Honoring the 44th Anniversary Roe v. Wade

Coordinated by Pro-Choice Resources. Join Pro-Choice Resources on Sunday, January 22, 2017 as we come together to look back in power and move forward in strength in order to protect and advance our Reproductive Freedoms. We will honor the 44th anniversary of Roe v. Wade and legalized abortion in the USA by clearing our energy, creating communal art to send messages of love to abortion care providers, and by discussing how we move to action in the face of imminent threats to reproductive autonomy.

 … Continue reading »

Women of Color & Allies Phonebank

Join us for the final Women of Color & Allies Phonebank before Get Out The Vote (GOTV)!

It’s your last chance to experience the community, humor, and depth provided by the leaders and organizers of the Women of Color Table.

When it comes to elections work, our voices will be heard from our own mouths and our own experience.

Register for the Women of Color & Allies Phonebank here.

 … Continue reading »

WOC Table hosts: Moms & Allies Phonebank

The Women of Color Table is confronting the gender oppression that relegates women to mother in private.  Working mothers are consistently placed in situations where their children are viewed as an inconvenience.  This not only impacts a women’s ability to participate fully in society but often translates into mothers not being included in this movement.  To combat this we are hosting a Moms & Allies Phonebank.

Children are most certainly welcomed to this phonebank. Please come prepared to talk about your personal experiences of race and gender and how that impacts your ability to mother and work.  Let us join forces to elect Lindsey Port who is boldly committed to the liberation of women, especially women of color, who suffer from the violence of patriarchy.

Note: Register for Moms & Allies Phonebank here!Continue reading »

The Women of Color Table: Setting New Ground in Elections Work

The Women of Color Table is knocking doors in the Burnsville Area to accomplish three things simultaneously: (1) get endorsed candidate Lindsey Port running in District 56B (2) with support from local people of color and personal care assistants and (3) build a relationship between Lindsey Port and our community.

This matters because these are communities that are typically left out of electoral process – at TakeAction Minnesota we believe that a person’s full identity and personhood should be fully seen and respected. One way we the way we personify this value is by knocking on doors that don’t exist in our voter’s data base; it’s called a targeted-semi blind knock.  We understand that people of color and immigrants are too often overlooked and systemically discouraged from fully participating in the election process, so that means we have to double our efforts to identify and build relationships. Our goal is to do just that. Through this series of doorknocks we plan to register people to vote, encourage them to get out to vote early and from there and after that, coordinate a community meeting.

We’re also doing it with a language justice framework. What does this look like? We’re working hard to have Spanish, Somali, and English informational literature, posters, and music and a fully translated training session. … Continue reading »

WOC Table Doorknock for Lindsey Port

The Women of Color Table welcomes all people to doorknock with us for Lindsey Port in Burnsville MN.

This space is designed for us to build power with Women of Color, Personal Care Assistants, and their allies.  Specifically, we want to name a welcoming space for women of color, queer and transgender people of color, working class people, immigrant people, and Muslim people. Come prepared to share experiences involving your race and gender as we work to build an intersectional movement!

Register here.Continue reading »