Door Knock for Alberder Gillespie
Join us to knock doors in support of TakeAction-endorsed candidate Alberder Gillespie in 53B. Training and snacks will be provided.
Join us to knock doors in support of TakeAction-endorsed candidate Alberder Gillespie in 53B. Training and snacks will be provided.
You are invited into a space of healing and action with other self-identified women of color.
Nearly half of the workers in Duluth never get a paid sick day.
Debra Smith’s job at a temp agency supplied her with full-time work at up to $12 an hour, but no benefits. If she got sick, or if she needed to stay home to care for her daughter, who has asthma, it came out of her paycheck.
“I couldn’t take time off work — or felt that if I did, I would be paid less,” Smith said Monday at a news conference organized by Take Action Minnesota, a nonprofit focused on racial and economic equity. “That would affect my ability to pay the rent, or purchase groceries.”
Smith, who now works a job with better benefits, was one of nearly 20,000 Duluth workers who do not get paid sick leave. Roughly 46 percent of the city’s workforce has no paid leave, according to a new survey by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research.
Duluth is now joining a growing number of Minnesota cities looking to implement paid sick leave regulations for businesses. Minneapolis, where an estimated 42 percent of the workforce lacks paid sick leave, is working on a plan to require businesses with four or more employees to offer that benefit.… Continue reading »
Duluth officials continue to hear from groups that would have the city bring paid sick leave to greater numbers of people who work in the city.
With Minneapolis about to rule on sick leave reform for its workers, and St. Paul possible to follow, Duluth finds itself in the eye of a special interest campaign aimed at policy change at the city government level.
On Tuesday, the Institute for Women’s Policy Research and TakeAction Minnesota of Duluth released data analysis that showed while more than half of the workers in Duluth benefit from paid sick leave, nearly 20,000 workers (46 percent) are without the added benefit. Even Duluth’s 54 percent of workers with paid sick leave would fall short of a 2015 U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics report that found 65 percent of American workers received paid sick leave.
“We are aware of the interest for a citywide ordinance,” said Mayor Emily Larson in a statement released to the News Tribune on Tuesday. “This is an important communitywide issue needing a broader community conversation, and I welcome that opportunity in the coming months.”
While men and women in Duluth benefitted at the same 54 percent rate of access to paid sick benefits, low-income and part-time workers were the most likely to go unprotected, said the new report.… Continue reading »
For Immediate Release, Contact: Eric Fought,, 612-223-4744
New Report Shows Nearly Half of Workers in Duluth Lack Access to Paid Sick Time
DULUTH, Minn. (May 24, 2016) — On Tuesday, TakeAction Minnesota and the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) released a new analysis, detailing access rates to earned sick time in Duluth, Minnesota. The new report, which can be downloaded here, breaks data down by gender, occupation, and earnings level. Overall, the report concludes that across the Duluth workforce, forty-six percent lack access to even a single day of earned sick time off. Lack of access disproportionately affects low-wage, service-sector, and part-time workers in Duluth.
Jessica Milli, Study Director at the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, reviewed key findings from the analysis. The report provides an update and expansion of previous research conducted in 2014 by IWPR in Minnesota with the most recent data available and focuses specifically on the Duluth workforce.
Milli said, “The findings in Duluth follow the same patterns as those in other areas of Minnesota. Workers who are the most economically vulnerable in Duluth are the least likely to have access to paid sick leave.”
The analysis found that while fifty-four percent of Duluth workers currently have access to earned sick time benefits, access is not uniformly distributed across populations.… Continue reading »
Minneapolis began considering a new mandatory sick leave proposal Thursday, after months of debate about expanding worker protections in the city.
The City Council officially introduced the proposed ordinance during a morning committee meeting. It would cover most employees who work at least 80 hours a year in the city, with exceptions for independent contractors and “casual workers” who are typically on call.
Employers would be required to offer an hour of paid sick leave for every 30 hours an employee worked, up to 48 hours a year, although they could offer more. The mandate would require employers to allow their workers to accrue up 80 hours of sick time.
The leave could be used for mental or physical illness, care or treatment, diagnosis, and preventive care. It also allows leave for victims of domestic abuse, sex assault or stalking.
“It’s just wonderful to see us get to this point, where we have such a balanced policy in front of us, and that we have the pieces in place to really make this successful,” said Ward 12 council member Andrew Johnson. “And I’m very excited about it and I look forward to the public hearing.”
The city has scheduled a public hearing on the ordinance on May 18, and a vote by the full council on May 27.… Continue reading »
We’re growing and changing at TakeAction, and we want to get you caught up! We have three great organizers who are taking on lead roles in our organization. We want you to get to know them and learn a little bit about the vision they have for their new roles.
Amanda Otero and Jessica English have been with TakeAction for sometime, and have recently taken on new roles. Cacje Henderson is brand new to the TAMN team. Keep reading to learn about them!
Amanda Otero, Deputy Organizing Director
I organize because I am pushed every day to live into the truth that I am enough. As a woman and as a light-skin Latina, I have been told time and again that I’m not enough, and because of this, I’ve lived a lot of my life out of a place of shame. Organizing has given me the opportunity to say ya basta, to affirm who I am, to develop a vision for myself.
As TakeAction’s Deputy Organizing Director, I am excited to work more closely with our organizers and leaders to model the kind of organizing we want to see in our state – one where we can take on bold changes, where dismantling structural oppression in our own lives and in our communities is a priority, where we know when to listen and follow the lead of people directly impacted by the issues we’re fighting against.… Continue reading »
Minnesota’s low-wage workers are stretched thin in part because of low wages, pay gaps and wage theft, panelists said Tuesday at a forum hosted by Congressmen Keith Ellison and Bobby Scott, a Democrat from Virginia.
The six panelists spoke about Minnesota’s lack of paid sick, family and medical leave as well as instances of wage theft and the need for fair-scheduling practices. Minneapolis City Council Member Lisa Bender (Ward 10) and Council Vice President Elizabeth Glidden (Ward 8) also spoke in support of the measures at the forum held at Richfield City Hall.
Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges first unveiled a Working Families Agenda at her State of the City Address in April 2015. The City Council later passed a resolution directing city staff to develop policy proposals supporting paid sick time, fair scheduling, wage theft prevention. They were also tasked with studying the impact of establishing a minimum wage regionally and locally.
City leaders dropped the fair scheduling proposal, which would have required employers to give workers 14 days notice of their schedule, after significant pushback from the business community. A city-appointed Workplace Partnership group is currently studying paid sick time proposals and is expected to report to the City Council will its findings Feb.… Continue reading »
The fight for workers to be able to earn paid sick time continues in Minneapolis. The City Council has put together a Partnership Group to study the issue, and will be meeting in January and February. In order to ensure City Council members are hearing from Minneapolis voters and workers, we are continuing to hold a weekly phonebank to reach TakeAction MN members – to ensure people know about the proposed ordinance and have their voices and experiences heard at City Hall.
Within the last month we have reached over 400 workers and voters who have left messages with their City Council Members. Please join us so that we can reach more! Snacks and training will be provided.… Continue reading »
The fight for workers to be able to earn paid sick time continues in Minneapolis. The City Council has put together a Partnership Group to study the issue, and will be meeting in January and February. In order to ensure City Council members are hearing from Minneapolis voters and workers, we are continuing to hold a weekly phonebank to reach TakeAction MN members – to ensure people know about the proposed ordinance and have their voices and experiences heard at City Hall.
Within the last month we have reached over 400 workers and voters who have left messages with their City Council Members. Please join us so that we can reach more! Snacks and training will be provided.… Continue reading »
The fight for workers to be able to earn paid sick time continues in Minneapolis. The City Council has put together a Partnership Group to study the issue, and will be meeting in January and February. In order to ensure City Council members are hearing from Minneapolis voters and workers, we are continuing to hold a weekly phonebank to reach TakeAction MN members – to ensure people know about the proposed ordinance and have their voices and experiences heard at City Hall.
Within the last month we have reached over 400 workers and voters who have left messages with their City Council Members. Please join us so that we can reach more! Snacks and training will be provided.… Continue reading »
The fight for workers to be able to earn paid sick time continues in Minneapolis. The City Council has put together a Partnership Group to study the issue, and will be meeting in January and February. In order to ensure City Council members are hearing from Minneapolis voters and workers, we are continuing to hold a weekly phonebank to reach TakeAction MN members – to ensure people know about the proposed ordinance and have their voices and experiences heard at City Hall.
Within the last month we have reached over 400 workers and voters who have left messages with their City Council Members. Please join us so that we can reach more! Snacks and training will be provided.… Continue reading »
The fight for workers to be able to earn paid sick time continues in Minneapolis. The City Council has put together a Partnership Group to study the issue, and will be meeting in January and February. In order to ensure City Council members are hearing from Minneapolis voters and workers, we are continuing to hold a weekly phonebank to reach TakeAction MN members – to ensure people know about the proposed ordinance and have their voices and experiences heard at City Hall.
Within the last month we have reached over 400 workers and voters who have left messages with their City Council Members. Please join us so that we can reach more! Snacks and training will be provided.… Continue reading »
The fight for workers to be able to earn paid sick time continues in Minneapolis. The City Council has put together a Partnership Group to study the issue, and will be meeting in January and February. In order to ensure City Council members are hearing from Minneapolis voters and workers, we are continuing to hold a weekly phonebank to reach TakeAction MN members – to ensure people know about the proposed ordinance and have their voices and experiences heard at City Hall.
Within the last month we have reached over 400 workers and voters who have left messages with their City Council Members. Please join us so that we can reach more! Snacks and training will be provided.… Continue reading »
The fight for workers to be able to earn paid sick time continues in Minneapolis. The City Council has put together a Partnership Group to study the issue, and will be meeting in January and February. In order to ensure City Council members are hearing from Minneapolis voters and workers, we are continuing to hold a weekly phonebank to reach TakeAction MN members – to ensure people know about the proposed ordinance and have their voices and experiences heard at City Hall.
Within the last month we have reached over 400 workers and voters who have left messages with their City Council Members. Please join us so that we can reach more. Training and snacks will be provided.… Continue reading »
TakeAction MN’s Women of Color Leadership group would like to invite to our first ever retreat!
For the past year, we have been building monthly WoC dinners as well as connecting with women in the community about issues impacting their lives. Now, we are moving into a new phase and building MORE POWER with Women of Color!
This retreat will focus on building relationships with each other, engaging more WoC into building powerful campaigns to better our community, as well as learning more about how different structures & corporations are damaging our community.
We will have coffee out by 9:30am and hope to start the retreat by 10am. Please feel free to invite friends.… Continue reading »
For the last year we’ve been working hard at TakeAction and with other organizations to put together a shared vision for Duluth rooted in equity and democracy. Personally, I’ve participated in hundreds of conversations with people who’s voices are too often invisible and unheard. And I am so inspired by what has come out of these conversations and how it has created a clear path for our work at TakeAction. After hearing from hundreds of people, and sharing with thousands more, we are finally ready to bring this vision to the larger community. On October 19th we’re launching Vision Duluth!
What is Vision Duluth?
It began as nine organizations thinking together about how to strengthen our capacity to move forward policies that advance equity across our city. It moved into hundreds of conversations across our city where people began to imagine what a new vision for Duluth could be. It’s about working together, across organizations and with individuals, to address disparities by moving equitable solutions at a city level. Vision Duluth is rooted in the belief that together we are stronger, solutions must be shaped by those living experiences of injustice, and that we do so by being in deep, accountable, and transformative relationships with our elected officials.… Continue reading »
Join us in reaching out to voters to support Take Action-endorsed candidate Peggy Flanagan. Peggy is a longtime progressive leader running in the special election for House Seat 46A – which comprises St. Louis Park and Golden Valley. We’ll talk to voters about the issues and ideas they have to make MN great, and to remind people to vote on Tuesday, November 3rd.… Continue reading »
Join us in reaching out to voters to support Take Action-endorsed candidate Peggy Flanagan. Peggy is a longtime progressive leader running in the special election for House Seat 46A – which comprises St. Louis Park and Golden Valley. We’ll talk to voters about the issues and ideas they have to make MN great, and to remind people to vote on Tuesday, November 3rd.… Continue reading »
Join our phone bank to pass the Working Families Agenda in Minneapolis!
Right now, the Working Families Agenda in Minneapolis — an ordinance that includes earned paid sick leave, advance notice of work schedule & protections against wage theft– is being considered by the Minneapolis City Council. We need your help to ensure it passes this year.
Far too many working people, especially women and people of color, are being forced to live in poverty and without workplace protections. We have the opportunity to change this in Minnesota.
Come join a team of folks who want to make sure working families are treated with dignity in Minneapolis. Let’s phone bank to pass the Working Families Agenda. It’s grassroots at its best!
Training is provided.… Continue reading »
Join our phone bank to pass the Working Families Agenda in Minneapolis!
Right now, the Working Families Agenda in Minneapolis — an ordinance that includes earned paid sick leave, advance notice of work schedule & protections against wage theft– is being considered by the Minneapolis City Council. We need your help to ensure it passes this year.
Far too many working people, especially women and people of color, are being forced to live in poverty and without workplace protections. We have the opportunity to change this in Minnesota.
Come join a team of folks who want to make sure working families are treated with dignity in Minneapolis. Let’s phone bank to pass the Working Families Agenda. It’s grassroots at its best!
Training is provided.… Continue reading »
Join our phone bank to pass the Working Families Agenda in Minneapolis!
Right now, the Working Families Agenda in Minneapolis — an ordinance that includes earned paid sick leave, advance notice of work schedule & protections against wage theft– is being considered by the Minneapolis City Council. We need your help to ensure it passes this year.
Far too many working people, especially women and people of color, are being forced to live in poverty and without workplace protections. We have the opportunity to change this in Minnesota.
Come join a team of folks who want to make sure working families are treated with dignity in Minneapolis. Let’s phone bank to pass the Working Families Agenda. It’s grassroots at its best!
Training is provided.… Continue reading »
Join our phone bank to pass the Working Families Agenda in Minneapolis!
Right now, the Working Families Agenda in Minneapolis — an ordinance that includes earned paid sick leave, advance notice of work schedule & protections against wage theft– is being considered by the Minneapolis City Council. We need your help to ensure it passes this year.
Far too many working people, especially women and people of color, are being forced to live in poverty and without workplace protections. We have the opportunity to change this in Minnesota.
Come join a team of folks who want to make sure working families are treated with dignity in Minneapolis. Let’s phone bank to pass the Working Families Agenda. It’s grassroots at its best!
Training is provided.… Continue reading »
Join our phone bank to pass the Working Families Agenda in Minneapolis!
Right now, the Working Families Agenda in Minneapolis — an ordinance that includes earned paid sick leave, advance notice of work schedule & protections against wage theft– is being considered by the Minneapolis City Council. We need your help to ensure it passes this year.
Far too many working people, especially women and people of color, are being forced to live in poverty and without workplace protections. We have the opportunity to change this in Minnesota.
Come join a team of folks who want to make sure working families are treated with dignity in Minneapolis. Let’s phone bank to pass the Working Families Agenda. It’s grassroots at its best!
Training is provided.… Continue reading »
Join our phone bank to pass the Working Families Agenda in Minneapolis!
Right now, the Working Families Agenda in Minneapolis — an ordinance that includes earned paid sick leave, advance notice of work schedule & protections against wage theft– is being considered by the Minneapolis City Council. We need your help to ensure it passes this year.
Far too many working people, especially women and people of color, are being forced to live in poverty and without workplace protections. We have the opportunity to change this in Minnesota.
Come join a team of folks who want to make sure working families are treated with dignity in Minneapolis. Let’s phone bank to pass the Working Families Agenda. It’s grassroots at its best!
Training is provided.… Continue reading »
Join our phone bank to pass the Working Families Agenda in Minneapolis!
Right now, the Working Families Agenda in Minneapolis — an ordinance that includes earned paid sick leave, advance notice of work schedule & protections against wage theft– is being considered by the Minneapolis City Council. We need your help to ensure it passes this year.
Far too many working people, especially women and people of color, are being forced to live in poverty and without workplace protections. We have the opportunity to change this in Minnesota.
Come join a team of folks who want to make sure working families are treated with dignity in Minneapolis. Let’s phone bank to pass the Working Families Agenda. It’s grassroots at its best!
Training is provided.… Continue reading »
Join our phone bank to pass the Working Families Agenda in Minneapolis!
Right now, the Working Families Agenda in Minneapolis — an ordinance that includes earned paid sick leave, advance notice of work schedule & protections against wage theft– is being considered by the Minneapolis City Council. We need your help to ensure it passes this year.
Far too many working people, especially women and people of color, are being forced to live in poverty and without workplace protections. We have the opportunity to change this in Minnesota.
Come join a team of folks who want to make sure working families are treated with dignity in Minneapolis. Let’s phone bank to pass the Working Families Agenda. It’s grassroots at its best!
Training is provided.
Together, we’ve built a bold vision for our city. One where Duluth leads the state in ensuring that no parent has to choose between earning a paycheck and caring for a loved one. Where we protect the green space that makes Duluth unique. Where we invest in every corner of the city, not just some.
Now we need to make sure that we elect candidates who will be champions for this vision to the City Council and the Mayor’s office — and the best way to do that is by getting out and talking to Duluthians across the city. Join us!
We will have snacks & child care available. Please let us know if you’d like to attend and have transportation needs.… Continue reading »
Together, we’ve built a bold vision for our city. One where Duluth leads the state in ensuring that no parent has to choose between earning a paycheck and caring for a loved one. Where we protect the green space that makes Duluth unique. Where we invest in every corner of the city, not just some.
Now we need to make sure that we elect candidates who will be champions for this vision to the City Council and the Mayor’s office — and the best way to do that is by getting out and talking to Duluthians across the city. Join us!
We will have snacks & child care available. Please let us know if you’d like to attend and have transportation needs.… Continue reading »
Together, we’ve built a bold vision for our city. One where Duluth leads the state in ensuring that no parent has to choose between earning a paycheck and caring for a loved one. Where we protect the green space that makes Duluth unique. Where we invest in every corner of the city, not just some.
Now we need to make sure that we elect candidates who will be champions for this vision to the City Council and the Mayor’s office — and the best way to do that is by getting out and talking to Duluthians across the city. Join us!
We will have snacks & child care available. Please let us know if you’d like to attend and have transportation needs.… Continue reading »