Duluth—For months, workers in Duluth have been organizing to raise local employment standards. Tonight, Duluth workers won Earned Sick and Safe Time. The Duluth City Council passed a policy that allows workers to earn paid time to care for themselves or a loved one by a 7-1 vote.
“Duluth’s strength is that we come together to find solutions. We care about each other,” said Em Westerlund, a City Councilor from the Third District. “This ordinance helps level the playing field for working people from every background. We listened to the community, and I’m proud of the difference this will make for Duluth families.”
The new ordinance takes effect January 1, 2020 and allows workers to earn up to 40 hours per year of paid sick time.
“Every worker, regardless of who they are or how much they make deserves the time to care of themselves or a loved one. This ordinance reflects who are as Minnesotans,” said Candy Winkler, executive director of PAVSA. “Our City Council heard our voices and came up with a solution that improves people’s lives. This is an accomplishment.”
“We have been waiting for this for a long time,” said Todd Gustafson with UFCW 1189.… Continue reading »
The federal tax overhaul cut taxes for millions of American families and businesses. But the law also had an unintended effect: raising the state-tax bite in nearly every state that has an income tax.
Business groups have criticized the governor’s proposal, which they argue would make Minnesota less competitive. Some progressive groups say the state should go further, using the extra revenue generated by the federal law to fund a paid family-leave program or childhood savings accounts. “This is exactly the kind of thing you could use to start the core investment of a program like that,” said Chris Conry, strategic campaigns director for TakeAction Minnesota, a liberal advocacy group. “You could give every kid born in Minnesota $500 at birth.”
This Ideas Worth Fighting For workshop is the completion of our winter & spring series on Climate Justice, Caring Economy, and Justice 4 All (i.e. ending Mass Incarceration). We will summarize & reflect on what we’ve learned, how we’ve deepened our analyses on race, gender, & corporate power, and we will plan what’s next, including end-of-legislative session activities. The format is interactive & relational. It’s designed to be exploratory, engaging, & creative, while still being knowledge-based, political, and pragmatic. Inspiring & grounded: that’s the goal. The agenda is designed to level-set between new & returning attendees. 6:00-6:30 will be an organizational orientation. 6:30-7:30 will be issue deeper dives. 7:30-8:30 will be planning time. 8:30-9:00 will be unstructured social time. Pre-readings will be emailed to registered attendees.
This Ideas Worth Fighting For workshop is designed to introduce and relate our program areas in Climate Justice, Caring Economy, and Justice 4 All (i.e. ending Mass Incarceration). The format is interactive & relational. It’s designed to be exploratory, engaging, & creative, while still being knowledge-based, political, and pragmatic. Inspiring & grounded: that’s the goal. This workshop will feature orientations on the organization & how we campaign, policy basics on each issue area (and their intersections), our analysis on race, gender, & corporate power, and concrete next steps, if you want to go deeper on any of them. The agenda is designed to level-set between new & returning attendees. 6:00-6:30 will be an organizational orientation. 6:30-7:15 will be issue orientations. 7:15-8:30 will be work shopping time. 8:30-9:00 will be unstructured social time. Pre-readings will be emailed to registered attendees.… Continue reading »
This Ideas Worth Fighting For workshop is designed to introduce and relate our program areas in Climate Justice, Caring Economy, and Justice 4 All (i.e. ending Mass Incarceration). The format is interactive & relational. It’s designed to be exploratory, engaging, & creative, while still being knowledge-based, political, and pragmatic. Inspiring & grounded: that’s the goal. This workshop will feature orientations on the organization & how we campaign, policy basics on each issue area (and their intersections), our analysis on race, gender, & corporate power, and concrete next steps, if you want to go deeper on any of them. The agenda is designed to level-set between new & returning attendees. 5:00-5:30 will be an organizational orientation. 5:30-6:15 will be issue orientations. 6:15-7:30 will be workshopping time. 7:30-8:00 will be unstructured social time. Pre-readings will be emailed to registered attendees.… Continue reading »
This Ideas Worth Fighting For workshop is designed to be a deeper-dive on issues related to climate justice and the intersections between renewable energy, good jobs, and racial & gender equity. Its aim is to be a first step in developing solutions that match the scale of the challenges we face, that take on racism, gender oppression, & corporate power. The format is interactive & relational. It’s designed to be exploratory, engaging, & creative, while still being knowledge-based, political, and pragmatic. Inspiring & grounded: that’s the goal. The agenda is designed to level-set between new & returning attendees. 6:00-6:30 will be an orientation for first time attendees. 6:30-7:00 will be an issue orientation. 7:00-8:30 will be work shopping time. 8:30-9:00 will be unstructured social time. Pre-readings will be emailed to registered attendees.… Continue reading »
This Ideas Worth Fighting For workshop is designed to introduce and relate our program areas in Climate Justice, Caring Economy, and Justice 4 All (i.e. ending Mass Incarceration). The format is interactive & relational. It’s designed to be exploratory, engaging, & creative, while still being knowledge-based, political, and pragmatic. Inspiring & grounded: that’s the goal. This workshop will feature orientations on the organization & how we campaign, policy basics on each issue area (and their intersections), our analysis on race, gender, & corporate power, and concrete next steps, if you want to go deeper on any of them. The agenda is designed to level-set between new & returning attendees. 6:00-6:30 will be an organizational orientation. 6:30-7:15 will be issue orientations. 7:15-8:30 will be workshopping time. 8:30-9:00 will be unstructured social time. Pre-readings will be emailed to registered attendees.
Too many of us have experienced politics as hostile, inaccessible, dirty, or confusing. As we work together to dismantle corporate power, gender oppression, and structural racism, we will work close to home.
Caucuses are local meetings in every district in Minnesota that kicks off and holds up our party political system. Join with other TakeAction activists and leaders from across the state to fight for the state our families and communities need to live lives of joy. We’ll cover the details of what happens at a caucus and how to show up powerfully, as well as ways to create new opportunities to take power for our communities.
Join Court Interpreters on Friday, December 15 from 1pm to 2pm as they deliver a petition to the bosses demanding fair pay and dignity for MN District Court Interpreters. We will meet at the MN AFL CIO, 175 Aurora Ave, St Paul, MN 55103. Park at the AFL CIO for free if you have an American, union-made car or, if not, you can park in the Sears lot across the street also for free.
Skilled MN Court interpreters have created a union professional association, named Lingua, that will grow to be a union co op affiliated with the MN Communications and Newspaper Guild, CWA.… Continue reading »
In late November, U.S. House republicans passed their tax reform bill, and yesterday, the Senate passed their version of the bill out of committee on a party line vote. The president and congressional republicans have said they hope that they will have a bill signed by Christmas.
My guiding principal is: “We all do better when we all do better,” and I believe that a government by and for the people helps us get there. I know I believe that health care for all, affordable higher education and a level playing field so that we all have the best possible chance to succeed. I also know that the money for programs that help advance those goals doesn’t come out of thin air.
So we ask ourselves: What are some of the things the GOP tax bill does, what does it tell us about their priorities, and what does this bill tell us about who congressional republicans feel they represent?
What are some of the things that the GOP tax bill does?
Permanently cuts the corporate tax rate by 15%.
Eliminates the estate tax by 2024 (costing $200 billion over 10 years), giving a massive tax-break to the wealthiest 0.2%.
Makes it harder for immigrants to file for certain tax credits, including the ones that benefit their American- born children.
TakeAction MN will host a free, open-to-the-public screening of the new documentary, followed by a discussion. The screening is sponsored by Caring Across Generations, a national campaign to transform care so that everyone can live and age with dignity.
“Although we’d rather not think about it, we’re all aging. And if we’re lucky enough to love a long life, most of us will need help. 90% of Americans want to age at home, but who will provide the care we’ll need?
CARE pulls back the curtain on the largely unseen world of home elder care. With a verité eye, it follows the stories of care workers and their clients. We meet undocumented Vilma, who lovingly cares for 93-year old Dee—long an independent businesswoman, who lives 3,000 miles away from her closest family. We go to work with Laurie, mother of 5, who tends to wheelchair-bound Larry in a tiny rural town. We meet Toni whose husband, a CBS executive, suffers from severe Parkinson’s disease. “Peter would die in a nursing home,” Toni says, but keeping him home requires 24/7 help.
CARE depicts the beauty and social importance of home-based care. It also reveals a broken system., where workers make poverty wages and families struggle to pay for the care they need.… Continue reading »
We’ll be calling Ward 1 residents every Wednesday night to talk about our endorsed candidate, Jillia Pessenda. Help us build governing power in 2017 by electing a progressive City Council!… Continue reading »
We’ll be calling Ward 1 residents every Wednesday night to talk about our endorsed candidate, Jillia Pessenda. Help us build governing power in 2017 by electing a progressive City Council!… Continue reading »
We’ll be calling Ward 1 residents every Wednesday night to talk about our endorsed candidate, Jillia Pessenda. Help us build governing power in 2017 by electing a progressive City Council!… Continue reading »
We’ll be calling Ward 1 residents every Wednesday night to talk about our endorsed candidate, Jillia Pessenda. Help us build governing power in 2017 by electing a progressive City Council!… Continue reading »
We’ll be calling Ward 1 residents every Wednesday night to talk about our endorsed candidate, Jillia Pessenda. Help us build governing power in 2017 by electing a progressive City Council!… Continue reading »
We’ll be calling senior to senior every Wednesday afternoon to Minneapolis residents for all of our endorsed candidates. Help us build governing power in 2017 by electing a progressive City Council and Park Board!… Continue reading »
We’ll be calling senior to senior every Wednesday afternoon to Minneapolis residents for all of our endorsed candidates. Help us build governing power in 2017 by electing a progressive City Council and Park Board!… Continue reading »
We’ll be calling senior to senior every Wednesday afternoon to Minneapolis residents for all of our endorsed candidates. Help us build governing power in 2017 by electing a progressive City Council and Park Board!… Continue reading »
We’ll be calling senior to senior every Wednesday afternoon to Minneapolis residents for all of our endorsed candidates. Help us build governing power in 2017 by electing a progressive City Council and Park Board!… Continue reading »
We’ll be calling senior to senior every Wednesday afternoon to Minneapolis residents for all of our endorsed candidates. Help us build governing power in 2017 by electing a progressive City Council and Park Board!… Continue reading »
We’ll be calling senior to senior every Wednesday afternoon to Minneapolis residents for all of our endorsed candidates. Help us build governing power in 2017 by electing a progressive City Council and Park Board!… Continue reading »
Thank you to everyone who participated in the March for Medicaid and Caregiving.
[<a href=”//storify.com/TakeActionMN/5-things-to-know-about-the-caring-majority” target=”_blank”>View the story “5 Things to Know about the Caring Economy” on Storify</a>]… Continue reading »
Last month, dozens of workers and community members gathered to build the campaign for $15/hour in St Paul. Since then, we’ve collected hundreds of petitions signatures, build connections with local faith, labor, and community groups, and started to build the buzz around #15forSTP #1FairWage.
But this is just the beginning. It will take serious organizing to win a raise for thousands of workers and end poverty wages in St Paul. We already know that the Chamber of Commerce, big businesses’ mouthpiece in City Hall, is gearing up to stop us. In Minneapolis, the movement for $15 beat back big business– we know that when we organize and fight, we can win.
That means we need YOU to get involved!
Join us for meeting to build the campaign, get the latest political updates, and find the best way for you to plug in to help win #15forSTP. This meeting is open to everyone who supports a $15 minimum wage for all workers in St Paul, no carve-outs, no tip penalty, no exemption, phased in as fast as possible. You don’t have to live or work in St Paul to attend, all supporters of the movement are welcome.… Continue reading »
Workers and community members will gather on Monday September 4th to take action to win $15 in St. Paul! ALL WORKERS DESERVE A LIVING WAGE!
Later, we will head to Minneapolis to celebrate our victory for $15 while recognizing that even though we have won the victory on paper, we will still need to enforce it. Workers ARE the eyes and ears on the ground that are necessary to enforce our policy victory. We will call on the city to fully fund enforcement including funding for community outreach and education and the critical work of enforcement.
5:30am-7:30am 2322 7th St. W., St. Paul
8am-11am Actions supporting workers demanding $15 and enforcement
11am-1pm CTUL 3715 Chicago Ave, Minneapolis