Blog Archives

Minneapolis set to become first city in Minnesota to require paid sick leave

The Minneapolis City Council has set up a series of hearings and meetings this month that will end with a May 27 vote on whether to adopt a mandatory paid leave ordinance for private and nonprofit employees who work in Minneapolis.

But during a staff briefing on the proposed ordinance Thursday, council members left little doubt of the outcome. Minneapolis is poised to become the first city in the state to require paid sick leave.

“The level of details of the questions we’re asking today I think indicates the high level of consensus that we have on the big directions of this policy,” said Council Member Lisa Bender, who credited the work of the city’s Workplace Partnership Group, a 15-member committee that met from December through March to study the issue.

A public hearing on the proposal has been set for May 18 at 3 p.m. in council chambers. That will be followed by a meeting at noon on May 26 to consider, amend and vote on an ordinance. The regular council will consider final passage on May 27 at 9:30 a.m.

How it would work

The proposed ordinance, sponsored by Council President Barbara Johnson, mostly reflects the recommendation of the workplace group, which included appointees from business, labor, employer groups and workers.… Continue reading »

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Will St. Paul be pressured to follow Minneapolis’ lead on mandatory paid leave?

With a work group in Minneapolis just completing its examination of paid leave — and a similar effort in St. Paul just getting underway — it appears both cities could adopt mandatory leave policies for local businessess this year.

But as the state’s two largest cities — home to an estimated labor force of 485,000 — move toward requiring employers to provide paid leave, a bigger question is emerging for those who employ people in both cities: will the rules be similar enough to make the administration of the law easier, if not exactly easy? After all, business owners who employ workers in and outside the city of Minneapolis have already complained about the potential headaches of having some employees accruing sick leave under the law while others don’t.

There is also an even more complicated possibility. Employers who have workers in Minneapolis, in St. Paul, and elsewhere in the metro could essentially have three categories of workers — those accruing leave under a policy in Minneapolis, those accruing leave under different rules in St. Paul, and those not accruing at all.

A tale of two cities’ policies

Enacting identical rules might seem like the logical solution, but it may be easier said than done.… Continue reading »

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Women leading at TakeAction

We’re growing and changing at TakeAction, and we want to get you caught up! We have three great organizers who are taking on lead roles in our organization. We want you to get to know them and learn a little bit about the vision they have for their new roles.

Amanda Otero and Jessica English have been with TakeAction for sometime, and have recently taken on new roles. Cacje Henderson is brand new to the TAMN team. Keep reading to learn about them!

Amanda Otero, Deputy Organizing DirectorAmanda-Otero1

I organize because I am pushed every day to live into the truth that I am enough. As a woman and as a light-skin Latina, I have been told time and again that I’m not enough, and because of this, I’ve lived a lot of my life out of a place of shame. Organizing has given me the opportunity to say ya basta, to affirm who I am, to develop a vision for myself.

As TakeAction’s Deputy Organizing Director, I am excited to work more closely with our organizers and leaders to model the kind of organizing we want to see in our state – one where we can take on bold changes, where dismantling structural oppression in our own lives and in our communities is a priority, where we know when to listen and follow the lead of people directly impacted by the issues we’re fighting against.… Continue reading »

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Are you in to fight climate chaos?

I’ve got some big news, and I want to hear what you think about it.

I want you to join other TakeAction Minnesota members in tackling the biggest challenge we have ever taken on — dangerous climate change and the systems of injustice that drive it.

We want you to shape this work to make a just and livable future for everyone from the start. Raise your hand if you’re with us, and tell us what you’d be most excited to fight for.

Members like you have talked to us for years about the importance of taking on climate justice and we heard you. The proposal to get to work passed with a unanimous, enthusiastic vote at the recent TakeAction Annual Meeting.

Here’s the very personal reason I hope you will raise your hand to take part in this fight:

Last summer my wife and I welcomed our third child into the world, baby Joseph.

As we were home with him and reminding ourselves of how much caring and fun a baby requires, I started reading This Changes Everything by Naomi Klein. This challenging book starts with a thoroughly-documented explanation of the science of chaotic climate change: Carbon emissions from our predatory, capitalist system are right on the edge of triggering a series of catastrophes that scientists say we can neither predict or control.Continue reading »

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Reopen prison in Appleton, and Minnesotans will lose

Social change in Minnesota is about two things: race and place. We are a state that, geographically speaking, is big. And we are people who are increasingly diverse, especially in terms of race and ethnicity. Each of us experiences life differently based on where we live and the color of our skin.

But there is far more that we share in common. The debate over whether or not to reopen a private prison in southwestern Minnesota threatens to divide rural whites against people of color and Native Americans. And if it does, it’s the owners of that private prison — not our communities — who will profit.

Appleton is a small city in western Minnesota, about 20 miles from the South Dakota border. Incorporated in 1881, it served as a major trade hub, sustained by a booming farm economy for decades. In the early 1990s, the city built a prison, hopeful that it could generate income and jobs, but the gamble didn’t pay off. In 1996, Appleton sold its prison to the largest for-profit prison venture in the country, Corrections Corporation of America (CCA). The prison was open for several years before closing in 2010.

Now with state prisons and county jails over capacity, there is a proposal to reopen the Prairie Correctional Facility.… Continue reading »

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Thoughtful process, engaged community: Workplace Regulations Partnership Group

Over the past three months, the Workplace Regulations Partnership Group (WPG), which was tasked with recommending an earned sick time ordinance for the City of Minneapolis, has brought a diverse group of stakeholders to the table. Fifteen individuals, each with a unique perspective, came together to study the impact of policies related to earned sick time and paid time off. Our work together culminated in a final proposal presented to the Minneapolis City Council earlier this month.

The City Council established the WPG last year and appointed members to include representation from a range of stakeholder groups including employees, low-wage employees, organized labor, large employers, small employers, immigrant-owned businesses and representatives of business groups and associations. The WPG held eleven productive meetings to exchange ideas and draft language.

The group engaged the community to hear as many Minneapolis voices on the issue as possible. Through listening sessions and comment cards, we heard from more than 550 of the individuals most likely to be affected by this law, from across the city and from different economic, cultural and racial backgrounds.

The WPG worked to strike a compromise that allows enough sick time to be meaningful to employees and less burdensome for employers to implement.… Continue reading »

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Minneapolis Inches Closer To Comprehensive Paid Sick Leave

The city of Minneapolis is one step closer to implementing the most sweeping paid sick leave policy in the state.

The proposal, which advanced Wednesday out of a city council committee, would require employers to provide 48 hours a year paid sick leave to almost all employees working in the city.

The only employers who would be exempt would be those with three or fewer employees. But not everyone is on board.

Supporters of paid sick leave spoke with reporters before Wednesday’s meeting. Chris Pennock did not have paid sick time when he worked as a carpet cleaner.

“If you had, you know, a temperature … if you had the flu, it didn’t matter what it was,” Pennock said. “They would take out $100 or more our of your paycheck every day you called in sick.”

The proposal would mandate that employees who did not use their sick leave would be able to bank or carry over up to 80 hours into the next calendar year.

Read the rest of the article and watch the video here. Continue reading »

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New sick-leave plan would affect nearly all Minneapolis businesses

A proposal that would require all businesses with at least four employees working in Minneapolis to provide paid sick leave is now in the hands of the Minneapolis City Council.

The issue has been under discussion at City Hall for nearly a year, and focused most recently through a 19-member group of workers, business owners and representatives of business and labor organizations. After three months of work — including 14 public listening sessions — that group presented its recommendation in a council committee meeting Wednesday.

Council members will now spend time studying the details of the plan, which would cover employees who work at least 80 hours in the city each year. Workers would earn one hour of sick leave for every 30 hours worked, with a maximum of 48 hours per year. Time could be carried over from year to year, allowing workers to “bank” up to 80 hours of sick leave.

Earned leave could be used when employees or their family members are ill, or as “safe leave” — time off to deal with abuse, stalking or other issues. Employers at all businesses would be prohibited from retaliating against employees who take earned sick time. The ordinance would apply to businesses based in Minneapolis and outside of the city, if they have workers in Minneapolis.… Continue reading »

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City work group explores another idea to fund paid leave in Minneapolis: a payroll tax

The work group trying to write a paid sick leave ordinance for the Minneapolis City Council had spent nearly two hours discussing the policy Monday morning when they became distracted by something completely different.

What if, rather than haggle over the details, a program similar to workers compensation was created as a way to pay for private employers to offer sick leave in Minneapolis? (Workers compensation pays for health care and time loss for injured workers through a payroll tax and deduction.)

The idea, presented as one of four ways to overlay a mandatory sick leave law with employers’ existing sick leave policies, could be “administered by the city through a payroll tax into a fund that pays for sick days for all workers in Minneapolis.”

What could have been considered an academic exercise instead received serious consideration during the meeting, even after the group’s facilitator, Luke Weisberg, concluded that the option was “potentially aspirational, but probably not gonna be appropriate for this moment.”

“This was raised by some of the small employers — for the same reasons — in terms of, ‘How do we make this more universal across the city,’” said Liz Doyle. She is the chair of the work group as well as the associate director of TakeAction Minnesota, a statewide organization with membership from labor unions and progressive groups.… Continue reading »

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St. Paul launches study of citywide sick leave policies

When St. Paul City Council Member Rebecca Noecker got a call on Monday that her son was sick at day care, she had to worry about missing meetings and postponing calls — but she didn’t have to think about going a day without pay.

“The fact of the matter is, I’m white and I’m middle class, so I’m really, really lucky,” Noecker said at a news conference Wednesday. Many of the city’s residents who most need paid sick time cannot get it, she said.

That may change next year.

The St. Paul City Council voted Wednesday to have a task force study sick- and safe-leave requirements for businesses citywide. Safe leave is offered to people who need to take time off work because of domestic violence or sexual assault. Minneapolis is also looking into such regulations.

The council’s vote comes shortly after a study found that 42 percent of workers in the city — about 72,200 people — do not get paid sick time.

Low-income and part-time employees are less likely to get paid leave, according to a report by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research and the advocacy group TakeAction Minnesota. And employees who are people of color, particularly Latino and black workers, were less likely than white workers to get sick leave.… Continue reading »

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42 percent of St. Paul workers lack sick time, report says

A new report shows 42 percent of working St. Paul residents lack access to paid sick time — a key benefit being debated by local government on both sides of the river.

The study from the Institute for Women’s Policy Research found 72,000 workers from St. Paul do not earn paid hours off to cover illness. The report found large disparities by race, occupation and employment status, with blacks and Latinos, part-timers and low-wage service sector workers the least likely to have paid sick days.

The lack of sick benefits was especially evident among child care and food service workers.

“Since those workers earn less, they’re also less likely to be able to afford going a day without pay,” said study director Jessica Milli, in a conference call with reporters. “And that poses a public health risk.”

St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman announced last week that the city is assembling a task force to study a possible earned sick and safe time mandate that would extend to public and private sector employers throughout the city.

The city’s full-time employees already earn sick time, and the benefit will be expanded by Jan. 1, 2017 to include 1,700 part-time, seasonal employees and Right Track summer interns, at an estimated annual cost of $100,000.… Continue reading »

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New Report Shows 4 of 10 St. Paul Workers Lack Paid Sick Time Access

For Immediate Release — February 1, 2016

Contact: Greta Bergstrom, 651.336.6722,

As City of Saint Paul Ramps Up Earned Sick Days Discussion, New Report Shows, Four Out of Ten Workers in Capitol City Lack Access to Paid Sick Time

St. Paul, MN – On Thursday, TakeAction Minnesota and the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) released a new analysis, detailing access rates to earned sick time in Saint Paul, Minnesota. The new report, which can be downloaded here, breaks data down by gender, race/ethnicity, occupation, hours worked, and earnings level.  Overall, the report concludes that across the Saint Paul workforce, forty-two percent lack access to even a single day of earned sick time off. Lack of access disproportionately affects low-wage, service-sector, and part-time workers, and workers of color in Saint Paul.

Jessica Milli, Study Director at the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, reviewed key findings from the analysis. Milli said, “The findings in Saint Paul follow the same patterns as those in Minneapolis. Workers who are the most economically vulnerable in Saint Paul are workers of color, driving inequity in the city. There is a huge earned sick time access disparity between workers of color and white workers in Saint Paul, and these workers are also the least able to afford being sick.”… Continue reading »

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Metro area janitors say contract fight is about more than pay

Sonia Cortez works 40 hours a week cleaning offices, restaurants and recycling plants for St. Paul-based Marsden Building Maintenance at just below $15 an hour. But it’s still not enough to pay for her monthly bills while helping to put her daughter through college, she said. “You cannot live with this money,” she said. “Believe me.”

Cortez is one of roughly 4,000 contract janitors unionized under Service Employees International Union Local 26 (SEIU) whose three-year contract with metro employers expired on Dec. 31.  Currently SEIU janitors make $14.62 an hour, but union officials said they hope to raise the wages of their members to $15 an hour.

The wage increase wouldn’t just be a symbolic win, said SEIU executive board member James Matias; it would mean an additional $12.5 million for the janitors each year, money that would make a small dent in the income gap for Minnesota’s people of color.

“Most janitors are folks of color,” Matias said. “To bring that [extra income] into communities of color? That is huge.”

The union also hopes to make some strides on increasing the amount of paid earned sick days their members get, Matias said. Currently, SEIU janitors get three paid sick days a year, and many have families who need the time to be able to stay home to take care of sick children who aren’t able to attend school during the day.… Continue reading »

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Ellison, city leaders advocate for Working Families Agenda

Minnesota’s low-wage workers are stretched thin in part because of low wages, pay gaps and wage theft, panelists said Tuesday at a forum hosted by Congressmen Keith Ellison and Bobby Scott, a Democrat from Virginia.

The six panelists spoke about Minnesota’s lack of paid sick, family and medical leave as well as instances of wage theft and the need for fair-scheduling practices. Minneapolis City Council Member Lisa Bender (Ward 10) and Council Vice President Elizabeth Glidden (Ward 8) also spoke in support of the measures at the forum held at Richfield City Hall.

Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges first unveiled a Working Families Agenda at her State of the City Address in April 2015. The City Council later passed a resolution directing city staff to develop policy proposals supporting paid sick time, fair scheduling, wage theft prevention. They were also tasked with studying the impact of establishing a minimum wage regionally and locally.

City leaders dropped the fair scheduling proposal, which would have required employers to give workers 14 days notice of their schedule, after significant pushback from the business community. A city-appointed Workplace Partnership group is currently studying paid sick time proposals and is expected to report to the City Council will its findings Feb.… Continue reading »

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Phonebank: MPLS City Council, Pass Earned Sick and Safe Time

The fight for workers to be able to earn paid sick time continues in Minneapolis. The City Council has put together a Partnership Group to study the issue, and will be meeting in January and February. In order to ensure City Council members are hearing from Minneapolis voters and workers, we are continuing to hold a weekly phonebank to reach TakeAction MN members – to ensure people know about the proposed ordinance and have their voices and experiences heard at City Hall.

Within the last month we have reached over 400 workers and voters who have left messages with their City Council Members. Please join us so that we can reach more! Snacks and training will be provided.… Continue reading »

Phonebank: MPLS City Council, Pass Earned Sick and Safe Time

The fight for workers to be able to earn paid sick time continues in Minneapolis. The City Council has put together a Partnership Group to study the issue, and will be meeting in January and February. In order to ensure City Council members are hearing from Minneapolis voters and workers, we are continuing to hold a weekly phonebank to reach TakeAction MN members – to ensure people know about the proposed ordinance and have their voices and experiences heard at City Hall.

Within the last month we have reached over 400 workers and voters who have left messages with their City Council Members. Please join us so that we can reach more! Snacks and training will be provided.… Continue reading »

Phonebank: MPLS City Council, Pass Earned Sick and Safe Time

The fight for workers to be able to earn paid sick time continues in Minneapolis. The City Council has put together a Partnership Group to study the issue, and will be meeting in January and February. In order to ensure City Council members are hearing from Minneapolis voters and workers, we are continuing to hold a weekly phonebank to reach TakeAction MN members – to ensure people know about the proposed ordinance and have their voices and experiences heard at City Hall.

Within the last month we have reached over 400 workers and voters who have left messages with their City Council Members. Please join us so that we can reach more! Snacks and training will be provided.… Continue reading »

Phonebank: MPLS City Council, Pass Earned Sick and Safe Time

The fight for workers to be able to earn paid sick time continues in Minneapolis. The City Council has put together a Partnership Group to study the issue, and will be meeting in January and February. In order to ensure City Council members are hearing from Minneapolis voters and workers, we are continuing to hold a weekly phonebank to reach TakeAction MN members – to ensure people know about the proposed ordinance and have their voices and experiences heard at City Hall.

Within the last month we have reached over 400 workers and voters who have left messages with their City Council Members. Please join us so that we can reach more! Snacks and training will be provided.… Continue reading »

Phonebank: MPLS City Hall, Pass Earned Sick and Safe Time

The fight for workers to be able to earn paid sick time continues in Minneapolis. The City Council has put together a Partnership Group to study the issue, and will be meeting in January and February. In order to ensure City Council members are hearing from Minneapolis voters and workers, we are continuing to hold a weekly phonebank to reach TakeAction MN members – to ensure people know about the proposed ordinance and have their voices and experiences heard at City Hall.

Within the last month we have reached over 400 workers and voters who have left messages with their City Council Members. Please join us so that we can reach more! Snacks and training will be provided.… Continue reading »

PhoneBank: MPLS City Hall, Pass Earned Sick and Safe Time

The fight for workers to be able to earn paid sick time continues in Minneapolis. The City Council has put together a Partnership Group to study the issue, and will be meeting in January and February. In order to ensure City Council members are hearing from Minneapolis voters and workers, we are continuing to hold a weekly phonebank to reach TakeAction MN members – to ensure people know about the proposed ordinance and have their voices and experiences heard at City Hall.

Within the last month we have reached over 400 workers and voters who have left messages with their City Council Members. Please join us so that we can reach more! Snacks and training will be provided.… Continue reading »

PhoneBank: MPLS City Hall, Pass Earned Sick and Safe Time

The fight for workers to be able to earn paid sick time continues in Minneapolis. The City Council has put together a Partnership Group to study the issue, and will be meeting in January and February. In order to ensure City Council members are hearing from Minneapolis voters and workers, we are continuing to hold a weekly phonebank to reach TakeAction MN members – to ensure people know about the proposed ordinance and have their voices and experiences heard at City Hall.

Within the last month we have reached over 400 workers and voters who have left messages with their City Council Members. Please join us so that we can reach more. Training and snacks will be provided.… Continue reading »

Study: 42 percent of Minneapolis workers don’t have paid sick time

About 123,000 Minneapolis workers don’t have access to paid sick leave, according to a new analysis from the Washington, D.C.-based Institute for Women’s Policy Research.

The report, released Thursday, says that number amounts to about 42 percent of Minneapolis residents ages 18 and older. It also notes that Hispanic workers are the least likely to have sick time, with 68 percent lacking access to paid leave. By contrast, 49 percent of black workers, 42 percent of Asian workers and 37 percent of white workers don’t have paid sick time.

Workers with the lowest rate of access to paid leave are those in service occupations, construction and maintenance, the report said. Part-time workers were also unlikely to have sick leave, with only 25 percent of those working less than 35 hours per week receiving that time off.

By contrast, 70 percent of workers who put in 40 hours a week have sick leave.

“We found that some of the most economically vulnerable are the least likely to have paid sick days,” said Jessica Milli, study director for the Institute for Women’s Policy Research.

Milli said the breakdown of who does and doesn’t receive sick leave is similar to what her group has found in the entire state of Minnesota and in other communities across the country.… Continue reading »

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Vision Duluth Launches!

For the last year we’ve been working hard at TakeAction and with other organizations to put together a shared vision for Duluth rooted in equity and democracy. Personally, I’ve participated in hundreds of conversations with people who’s voices are too often invisible and unheard. And I am so inspired by what has come out of these conversations and how it has created a clear path for our work at TakeAction.  After hearing from hundreds of people, and sharing with thousands more, we are finally ready to bring this vision to the larger community. On October 19th we’re launching Vision Duluth!

What is Vision Duluth?

It began as nine organizations thinking together about how to strengthen our capacity to move forward policies that advance equity across our city. It moved into hundreds of VisionDuluthLogoconversations across our city where people began to imagine what a new vision for Duluth could be. It’s about working together, across organizations and with individuals, to address disparities by moving equitable solutions at a city level. Vision Duluth is rooted in the belief that together we are stronger, solutions must be shaped by those living experiences of injustice, and that we do so by being in deep, accountable, and transformative relationships with our elected officials.… Continue reading »

MPLSWorks Phonebank

Join our phone bank to pass the Working Families Agenda in Minneapolis!

Right now, the Working Families Agenda in Minneapolis — an ordinance that includes earned paid sick leave, advance notice of work schedule & protections against wage theft– is being considered by the Minneapolis City Council. We need your help to ensure it passes this year.

Far too many working people, especially women and people of color, are being forced to live in poverty and without workplace protections. We have the opportunity to change this in Minnesota.

Come join a team of folks who want to make sure working families are treated with dignity in Minneapolis. Let’s phone bank to pass the Working Families Agenda. It’s grassroots at its best!

Training is provided.… Continue reading »

MPLSWorks Phonebank

Join our phone bank to pass the Working Families Agenda in Minneapolis!

Right now, the Working Families Agenda in Minneapolis — an ordinance that includes earned paid sick leave, advance notice of work schedule & protections against wage theft– is being considered by the Minneapolis City Council. We need your help to ensure it passes this year.

Far too many working people, especially women and people of color, are being forced to live in poverty and without workplace protections. We have the opportunity to change this in Minnesota.

Come join a team of folks who want to make sure working families are treated with dignity in Minneapolis. Let’s phone bank to pass the Working Families Agenda. It’s grassroots at its best!

Training is provided.… Continue reading »

MPLSWorks Phonebank

Join our phone bank to pass the Working Families Agenda in Minneapolis!

Right now, the Working Families Agenda in Minneapolis — an ordinance that includes earned paid sick leave, advance notice of work schedule & protections against wage theft– is being considered by the Minneapolis City Council. We need your help to ensure it passes this year.

Far too many working people, especially women and people of color, are being forced to live in poverty and without workplace protections. We have the opportunity to change this in Minnesota.

Come join a team of folks who want to make sure working families are treated with dignity in Minneapolis. Let’s phone bank to pass the Working Families Agenda. It’s grassroots at its best!

Training is provided.… Continue reading »

MPLSWorks Phonebank

Join our phone bank to pass the Working Families Agenda in Minneapolis!

Right now, the Working Families Agenda in Minneapolis — an ordinance that includes earned paid sick leave, advance notice of work schedule & protections against wage theft– is being considered by the Minneapolis City Council. We need your help to ensure it passes this year.

Far too many working people, especially women and people of color, are being forced to live in poverty and without workplace protections. We have the opportunity to change this in Minnesota.

Come join a team of folks who want to make sure working families are treated with dignity in Minneapolis. Let’s phone bank to pass the Working Families Agenda. It’s grassroots at its best!

Training is provided.… Continue reading »

MPLSWorks Phonebank

Join our phone bank to pass the Working Families Agenda in Minneapolis!

Right now, the Working Families Agenda in Minneapolis — an ordinance that includes earned paid sick leave, advance notice of work schedule & protections against wage theft– is being considered by the Minneapolis City Council. We need your help to ensure it passes this year.

Far too many working people, especially women and people of color, are being forced to live in poverty and without workplace protections. We have the opportunity to change this in Minnesota.

Come join a team of folks who want to make sure working families are treated with dignity in Minneapolis. Let’s phone bank to pass the Working Families Agenda. It’s grassroots at its best!

Training is provided.… Continue reading »

MPLSWorks Phonebank

Join our phone bank to pass the Working Families Agenda in Minneapolis!

Right now, the Working Families Agenda in Minneapolis — an ordinance that includes earned paid sick leave, advance notice of work schedule & protections against wage theft– is being considered by the Minneapolis City Council. We need your help to ensure it passes this year.

Far too many working people, especially women and people of color, are being forced to live in poverty and without workplace protections. We have the opportunity to change this in Minnesota.

Come join a team of folks who want to make sure working families are treated with dignity in Minneapolis. Let’s phone bank to pass the Working Families Agenda. It’s grassroots at its best!

Training is provided.… Continue reading »

MPLSWorks Phonebank

Join our phone bank to pass the Working Families Agenda in Minneapolis!

Right now, the Working Families Agenda in Minneapolis — an ordinance that includes earned paid sick leave, advance notice of work schedule & protections against wage theft– is being considered by the Minneapolis City Council. We need your help to ensure it passes this year.

Far too many working people, especially women and people of color, are being forced to live in poverty and without workplace protections. We have the opportunity to change this in Minnesota.

Come join a team of folks who want to make sure working families are treated with dignity in Minneapolis. Let’s phone bank to pass the Working Families Agenda. It’s grassroots at its best!

Training is provided.


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