Blog Archives


Together, we’ve built a bold vision for our city. One where Duluth leads the state in ensuring that no parent has to choose between earning a paycheck and caring for a loved one. Where we protect the green space that makes Duluth unique. Where we invest in every corner of the city, not just some.

Now we need to make sure that we elect candidates who will be champions for this vision to the City Council and the Mayor’s office — and the best way to do that is by getting out and talking to Duluthians across the city.  Join us!

We will have snacks & child care available.  Please let us know if you’d like to attend and have transportation needs.Continue reading »


Together, we’ve built a bold vision for our city. One where Duluth leads the state in ensuring that no parent has to choose between earning a paycheck and caring for a loved one. Where we protect the green space that makes Duluth unique. Where we invest in every corner of the city, not just some.

Now we need to make sure that we elect candidates who will be champions for this vision to the City Council and the Mayor’s office — and the best way to do that is by getting out and talking to Duluthians across the city.  Join us!

We will have snacks & child care available.  Please let us know if you’d like to attend and have transportation needs.Continue reading »


Together, we’ve built a bold vision for our city. One where Duluth leads the state in ensuring that no parent has to choose between earning a paycheck and caring for a loved one. Where we protect the green space that makes Duluth unique. Where we invest in every corner of the city, not just some.

Now we need to make sure that we elect candidates who will be champions for this vision to the City Council and the Mayor’s office — and the best way to do that is by getting out and talking to Duluthians across the city.  Join us!

We will have snacks & child care available.  Please let us know if you’d like to attend and have transportation needs.Continue reading »


Together, we’ve built a bold vision for our city. One where Duluth leads the state in ensuring that no parent has to choose between earning a paycheck and caring for a loved one. Where we protect the green space that makes Duluth unique. Where we invest in every corner of the city, not just some.

Now we need to make sure that we elect candidates who will be champions for this vision to the City Council and the Mayor’s office — and the best way to do that is by getting out and talking to Duluthians across the city.  Join us!

We will have snacks & child care available.  Please let us know if you’d like to attend and have transportation needs.Continue reading »


Together, we’ve built a bold vision for our city. One where Duluth leads the state in ensuring that no parent has to choose between earning a paycheck and caring for a loved one. Where we protect the green space that makes Duluth unique. Where we invest in every corner of the city, not just some.

Now we need to make sure that we elect candidates who will be champions for this vision to the City Council and the Mayor’s office — and the best way to do that is by getting out and talking to Duluthians across the city.  Join us!

We will have snacks & child care available.  Please let us know if you’d like to attend and have transportation needs.Continue reading »


Together, we’ve built a bold vision for our city. One where Duluth leads the state in ensuring that no parent has to choose between earning a paycheck and caring for a loved one. Where we protect the green space that makes Duluth unique. Where we invest in every corner of the city, not just some.

Now we need to make sure that we elect candidates who will be champions for this vision to the City Council and the Mayor’s office — and the best way to do that is by getting out and talking to Duluthians across the city.  Join us!

We will have snacks & child care available.  Please let us know if you’d like to attend and have transportation needs.Continue reading »


Together, we’ve built a bold vision for our city. One where Duluth leads the state in ensuring that no parent has to choose between earning a paycheck and caring for a loved one. Where we protect the green space that makes Duluth unique. Where we invest in every corner of the city, not just some.

Now we need to make sure that we elect candidates who will be champions for this vision to the City Council and the Mayor’s office — and the best way to do that is by getting out and talking to Duluthians across the city.  Join us!

We will have snacks & child care available.  Please let us know if you’d like to attend and have transportation needs.Continue reading »


Together, we’ve built a bold vision for our city. One where Duluth leads the state in ensuring that no parent has to choose between earning a paycheck and caring for a loved one. Where we protect the green space that makes Duluth unique. Where we invest in every corner of the city, not just some.

Now we need to make sure that we elect candidates who will be champions for this vision to the City Council and the Mayor’s office — and the best way to do that is by getting out and talking to Duluthians across the city.  Join us!

We will have snacks & child care available.  Please let us know if you’d like to attend and have transportation needs.Continue reading »


Together, we’ve built a bold vision for our city. One where Duluth leads the state in ensuring that no parent has to choose between earning a paycheck and caring for a loved one. Where we protect the green space that makes Duluth unique. Where we invest in every corner of the city, not just some.

Now we need to make sure that we elect candidates who will be champions for this vision to the City Council and the Mayor’s office — and the best way to do that is by getting out and talking to Duluthians across the city.  Join us!

We will have snacks & child care available.  Please let us know if you’d like to attend and have transportation needs.Continue reading »


Together, we’ve built a bold vision for our city. One where Duluth leads the state in ensuring that no parent has to choose between earning a paycheck and caring for a loved one. Where we protect the green space that makes Duluth unique. Where we invest in every corner of the city, not just some.

Now we need to make sure that we elect candidates who will be champions for this vision to the City Council and the Mayor’s office — and the best way to do that is by getting out and talking to Duluthians across the city.  Join us!

We will have snacks & child care available.  Please let us know if you’d like to attend and have transportation needs.Continue reading »

From Labor Day to Lyndale Avenue: the New Movement to Lift Standards in Cities

By 9am on Tuesday, September 5th, 1882 New York’s City Hall was surrounded by rows of armed police officers both on foot and mounted on horseback.  Assembled a full hour before a parade of jewelers, bricklayers, and carpenters were set to march to park and have a picnic: this was the scene at the start of the world’s first Labor Day.  From that beginning, with a major city government literally defending itself from its residents, Labor Day has evolved and so has the role of cities in ensuring the rights of working people.

More than once U.S. cities have led the country as a whole, setting standards for their residents that would eventually become a national norm.

breadandroses_0308 Police officers, firefighters, and teachers in New York City had municipal retirement plans over forty years before the creation of Social Security.  Cities took the lead on providing for the unemployed years before Congress. Buffalo, Cincinnati, Kansas City, Milwaukee, and Louisville all created jobs programs for their residents in the early 1930’s years before the creation of Roosevelt’s Works Progress Administration.

Still, over the last three decades many U.S. cities have picked up on this old trend, asserting a more direct role in setting standards that improves the lives of workers. … Continue reading »

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Back to School Without Earned Sick Time

All summer long workers have been gathering together with Minneapolis City Council Members to talk about the difficult choices they make when they or their family members become sick.

With school resuming this week, working parents without paid time off for illness, will face tough decisions between caring for their kids or keeping their paycheck.

The numbers bear this out – a University of Chicago survey found that parents who don’t earn sick time are twice as likely to send a sick child to school.  Fortunately, in Minneapolis, residents and workers have the opportunity to fight for a city ordinance that would ensure that every worker has paid time off to care for their family.

Gayle Zoffer Gayle Zoffer, a TakeAction Minnesota member, recently held a house party to spread the word about the ordinance with neighbors and friends. As a teacher, Gayle sees and experiences the struggle first hand,

            “As an adult educator, I work with many students juggling work, parenting, and studying, and I believe that all of them deserve access to paid sick time to care for their children and to ensure that they don’t arrive at work (or school!) sick.  Many of them work in restaurants, at nursing homes, or child care facilities, and their working while sick puts other vulnerable people at risk.

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Our Women in Leadership Event: A Great Success!

Our Women in Leadership event held in Duluth was a huge success! Thanks to the over 60 community members and their families who shared their evening with us at our picnic style event. We heard stories from five powerful leaders in our community: Rep. Jennifer Schultz, Renee Van Nett, Annie Harala, Rebecca St George & Emily Larson. Each of them highlighted the importance of women holding positions of leadership in our city. We also had tons of fun with the science show for the kids, led by core team leader Elizabeth Kersting-Peterson, and we listened to the great music of talented local artist, Maddy Sitter.

Beth leads a science experiment

Thankfully, we had great weather for the event, and took advantage of the opportunity to celebrate the power of women in leadership with our neighbors.  A huge thank you to our speakers, all the great women, for sharing stories and to Karen Perry for being a wonderful MC of the event. Thanks to Rep. Paul Thissen for attending the event during his visit to Duluth. And last but not least, thanks to our Duluth core team for their deep commitment to make this event happen. Your hard work behind the scenes is greatly appreciated. Now, we’ll let the pictures of the event tell you everything else we’ve missed here.… Continue reading »

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Power in Organizing Training Series: Building a New World Part II

This summer, along with partner organizations, we are working to bring together a series of trainings that will build your public leadership and create space to discuss and collectively combat systems of injustice. Trainings will happen one Saturday and one Tuesday a month.

At all trainings you will gain concrete community organizing skills and a deeper understanding of “politics” in Minnesota/US. Each training will focus on different topic, but all the trainings are based in the reality that if we do not come together and build collective power to address the structural oppressions we face, we will remain hopeless. We’ll be focusing on Building a New World Part II in this training. 

Food and childcare available for all those that register. If you have questions, please email

 … Continue reading »

Power in Organizing Training Series: Building a New World Part I

This summer, along with partner organizations, we are working to bring together a series of trainings that will build your public leadership and create space to discuss and collectively combat systems of injustice. Trainings will happen one Saturday and one Tuesday a month.

At all trainings you will gain concrete community organizing skills and a deeper understanding of “politics” in Minnesota/US. Each training will focus on different topic, but all the trainings are based in the reality that if we do not come together and build collective power to address the structural oppressions we face, we will remain hopeless. We’ll be focusing on Building a New World Part I in this training. 

Food and childcare available for all those that register. If you have questions, please email

 … Continue reading »

Power in Organizing Training Series: Cutting an Issue

This summer, along with partner organizations, we are working to bring together a series of trainings that will build your public leadership and create space to discuss and collectively combat systems of injustice. Trainings will happen one Saturday and one Tuesday a month.

At all trainings you will gain concrete community organizing skills and a deeper understanding of “politics” in Minnesota/US. Each training will focus on different topic, but all the trainings are based in the reality that if we do not come together and build collective power to address the structural oppressions we face, we will remain hopeless. We’ll be focusing on Cutting an Issue in this training. 

Food and childcare available for all those that register. If you have questions, please email… Continue reading »

Power in Organizing Training Series: Identity + Allyship

This summer, along with partner organizations, we are working to bring together a series of trainings that will build your public leadership and create space to discuss and collectively combat systems of injustice. Trainings will happen one Saturday and one Tuesday a month.

At all trainings you will gain concrete community organizing skills and a deeper understanding of “politics” in Minnesota/US. Each training will focus on different topic, but all the trainings are based in the reality that if we do not come together and build collective power to address the structural oppressions we face, we will remain hopeless. We’ll be focusing on Identity and Allyship in this training. 

Food and childcare available for all those that register. If you have questions, please email… Continue reading »

Power in Organizing Series: Organizing Others– Making Powerful Asks

This summer, along with partner organizations, we are working to bring together a series of trainings that will build your public leadership and create space to discuss and collectively combat systems of injustice. Trainings will happen one Saturday and one Tuesday a month.

At all trainings you will gain concrete community organizing skills and a deeper understanding of “politics” in Minnesota/US. Each training will focus on different topic, but all the trainings are based in the reality that if we do not come together and build collective power to address the structural oppressions we face, we will remain hopeless. We’ll be focusing on Organizing Others: Making Powerful Asks in this training. 

Food and childcare available for all those that register. If you have questions, please email

 … Continue reading »

Power in Organizing Training Series: Minnesota Power Analysis

This summer, along with partner organizations, we are working to bring together a series of trainings that will build your public leadership and create space to discuss and collectively combat systems of injustice. Trainings will happen one Saturday and one Tuesday a month.

At all trainings you will gain concrete community organizing skills and a deeper understanding of “politics” in Minnesota/US. Each training will focus on different topic, but all the trainings are based in the reality that if we do not come together and build collective power to address the structural oppressions we face, we will remain hopeless. We’ll be focusing on Minnesota Power Analysis in this training. 

Food and childcare available for all those that register. If you have questions, please email

 … Continue reading »

Power in Organizing Training Series: Building Powerful Relationships

This summer, along with partner organizations, we are working to bring together a series of trainings that will build your public leadership and create space to discuss and collectively combat systems of injustice. Trainings will happen one Saturday and one Tuesday a month.

 At all trainings you will gain concrete community organizing skills and a deeper understanding of “politics” in Minnesota/US. Each training will focus on different topic, but all the trainings are based in the reality that if we do not come together and build collective power to address the structural oppressions we face, we will remain hopeless. We’ll be focusing on Building Powerful Relationships in this training. 

Food and childcare available for all those that register. If you have questions, please email… Continue reading »

Power in Organizing Training Series: Structural Oppression

This summer, along with partner organizations, we are working to bring together a series of trainings that will build your public leadership and create space to discuss and collectively combat systems of injustice. Trainings will happen one Saturday and one Tuesday a month.

At all trainings you will gain concrete community organizing skills and a deeper understanding of “politics” in Minnesota/US. Each training will focus on different topic, but all the trainings are based in the reality that if we do not come together and build collective power to address the structural oppressions we face, we will remain hopeless. We’ll be focusing on Structural Oppression in this training.

Food and childcare available for all those that register. If you have questions, please email… Continue reading »

Taking Stock of Session

We can change who benefits in our economy when we change who decides in our democracy.  It is because we believe in this simple idea that we as members of TakeAction Minnesota spend so much time, attention and energy at the State Capitol during legislative session.

Restore the voteBecause we want a state where all of us can thrive, prosper and live life to the fullest, TakeAction Minnesota and our member organizations work on a number of issues that are the essence of what we all need to be whole people, fully alive.  Each of us needs health care we can depend on and work that is dignified.  We need a voice in the decisions that affect us and a criminal justice system that is just that – just – for all people regardless of the color of our skin or class.  We need quality schools, clean water, and healthy food.

Contrary to what we read in the paper or see on TV, there is more to what happens at the legislature than what Republicans and Democrats say about each other.  Legislative session is where the people’s interests – our interests – collide with those of powerful corporations and wealthy elites. Since legislative session wrapped up last week, now is a good time to take stock of how we – the people – fared in the decisions that our elected leaders made.… Continue reading »

Week of Action – Protect MinnesotaCare & Minnesotans for a Fair Economy Lobby Day

We’ll meet for a lobbying training from 1-2pm at Christ Lutheran Church, then lobby legislators around protecting healthcare and workers’ rights (MinnesotaCare, Earned Sick and Safety Time, and the Working Parents Act) and improving transit. We’ll schedule your lobby visits between 2pm and 5:30pm based on when you can be there. We’re holding our elected officials accountable to the needs of our communities!


Click here to attend! Be sure to add your phone number, as the agenda for the day is subject to last minute changes and we will need to contact you with updates.


We have information on car and public transit accessibility of the site. We’ll also arrange carpools to and from the action from the TakeAction MN office (705 Raymond Ave., St Paul 55114). If you have questions or concerns regarding transit or anything else, contact Brian at 651-260-9498 or… Continue reading »

Week of Action – Higher Ed Justice, Fast Food Workers, & $15 Minimum Wage Action

We’ll rally outside Morrill Hall at the University of Minnesota Minneapolis campus to protest corporate control of the university, then march to a nearby McDonalds to call for fair scheduling for their employees and a $15 minimum wage in Minneapolis. It’s time that people run our education system and our economy, not giant corporations!


Click here to attend! Be sure to add your phone number, as the action is subject to last minute changes and we will need to contact you with updates.


We have information on car and public transit accessibility of the site. We’ll also arrange carpools to and from the action from the TakeAction MN office (705 Raymond Ave., St Paul 55114). If you have questions or concerns regarding transit or anything else, contact Brian at 651-260-9498 or… Continue reading »

Week of Action – Working Parents Action 2

We’ll rally at a local corporation to call on them to stop blocking our grassroots efforts to enact legislation guaranteeing paid sick and safety leave, paid family leave, and fair scheduling for workers. When corporations refuse to negotiate with us, it’s time to turn up the heat!


Click here to attend! Be sure to add your phone number so we can contact you with details on location, as this is not public information. The action is subject to last minute changes and we will need to contact you with updates.


We have information on car and public transit accessibility of thesite. We’ll also arrange carpools to the action from the TakeAction MN office (705 Raymond Ave., St Paul 55114). If you have questions or concerns regarding transit or anything else, contact Brian at 651-260-9498 or… Continue reading »

Week of Action – Working Parents Action 1

We’ll rally at a local corporation to call on them to stop blocking our grassroots efforts to enact legislation guaranteeing paid sick and safety leave, paid family leave, and fair scheduling for workers. When corporations refuse to negotiate with us, it’s time to turn up the heat!


Click here to attend! Be sure to add your phone number so we can contact you with details on location, as this is not public information. The action is subject to last minute changes and we will need to contact you with updates.


We have information on car and public transit accessibility of the site. We’ll also arrange carpools to and from the action from the TakeAction MN office (705 Raymond Ave., St Paul 55114). If you have questions or concerns regarding transit or anything else, contact Brian at 651-260-9498 or… Continue reading »

Week of Action Phonebank

Every year, the Minnesotans for a Fair Economy Week of Action is chance to show Minnesota’s people-power. Thousands of everyday people will take to the streets and the Capitol, take the spotlight, and take effective action to win big changes – around fair wages and working conditions, voting rights, healthcare, transit, and more.

This Thursday, we’ll call TakeAction MN member-activists and invite them to join us for the Week of Action (Monday April 13th through Thursday April 14th). Our office will be abuzz with TakeAction MN leaders, as well as leaders from other MFE partner organizations!

Click here to join us in making a huge impact during this huge week!… Continue reading »

Week of Action Phonebank

Every year, the Minnesotans for a Fair Economy Week of Action is chance to show Minnesota’s people-power. Thousands of everyday people will take to the streets and the Capitol, take the spotlight, and take effective action to win big changes – around fair wages and working conditions, voting rights, healthcare, transit, and more.

This Wednesday, we’ll call TakeAction MN member-activists and invite them to join us for the Week of Action (Monday April 13th through Thursday April 14th). Our office will be abuzz with TakeAction MN leaders, as well as leaders from other MFE partner organizations!

Click here to join us in making a huge impact during this huge week!… Continue reading »

Book reading and discussion with MacArthur Genius Ai-jen Poo

Ai-jen Poo, author of the newly released, The Age of Dignity: Preparing for the Elder Boom in a Changing America, is a 2014 MacArthur “Genius” award winner for her advocacy work championing the rights of domestic workers. She will lead a discussion of her new book and the changes in culture and policy we need for people to age with dignity, independence, and self-determination. The book itself shines a candid light on the “Care Force” — the millions of caregivers, both family and professional, who care for our nation’s aging seniors.

Click here to RSVP to this exciting event!Continue reading »