Blog Archives

Welcome Shawnu!

I come to TakeAction as the Women and the Economy Organizer in Duluth from the YWCA of Duluth where I actively worked to eliminate racism and empower women.  Although not an organizer in title until now, social justice has been a proponent of my life since I was young.

I grew up in a small town and discrimination toward Native Americans was present everywhere, especially in the school system. Coming from a predominantly Native family I felt first-hand how awful oppression is and how public systems work to perpetuate that oppression.  As a woman I know all too well the struggles faced in the workplace and educational systems. I’m passionate about energizing and engaging the community in work that fuels change and creates equity for everyone.

For me the most exciting part of my work at TakeAction is being part of creating a vision for Duluth through connecting with organizational partners & cohorts, community members & leaders, public officials and local businesses.  Growing and building a sense of true community in our towns and cities will help us address social justice issues.

Though my focus in organizing is around issues for working women and their families, I think that you cannot truly address anything in solidarity. … Continue reading »

My Story: A Slippery Slope

From one of our members, Mary Einspahr:

Mary EinspahrI didn’t grow up in poverty. Growing up my dad worked a stable job at a major corporation. We lived in a nice house. We took family vacations. We never had to worry about having enough to eat.

However, I fell into poverty at the ripe age of 23.

Last winter, my health insurance wouldn’t cover my medical needs and it was about to expire anyway. I found myself broke, without adequate health care, and forced to quit school due to a chronic health condition. It wasn’t until I applied for MNsure and was granted Medical Assistance that I began to receive adequate, affordable health care. Through Medical Assistance, Minnesota’s Medicaid program, I was able to attend outpatient treatments for addiction, which I still attend to this day. MNsure saved my life; I’m now over one year sober and in a much better place. My Medical Assistance fully covers my health care needs; in addition to treatment, it covers my doctor visits and covered three ER trips after a bike accident last April.

While I’m grateful for my affordable health plan, this is not a perfect system. In order to keep Medical Assistance, I have to stay below the poverty line, which means earning less than $15,000 a year.Continue reading »

GOP Restart Wage Debate With Talk Of Tips

House Republicans reignited a debate over the minimum wage Monday with a move to exempt some servers, bartenders and other tipped workers from future hikes — a likely non-starter for the Democrats in control of the Senate and governor’s office.

Restaurant owners, servers and union officials alike turned out in force to rehash some familiar arguments from last year’s law that bumped the state’s minimum wage up to $9.50 hourly by 2016. Now, Republican Rep. Pat Garofalo has a bill that would allow employers to pay tipped staff $8 hourly if tips bring their pay above $12 an hour.

That gives the parade of waiters, waitresses and union representatives who objected to Garofalo’s bill a strong ally. Along with some House DFL lawmakers, they portrayed the proposal as an attack on last year’s much-needed wage boost.

“This bill is an attack on the dignity of working people, and you have a chance to stand with workers or to hurt them” Cliff Martin of Take Action Minnesota said.

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We can do better!

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I happen to think Northern Minnesota is pretty darn great. We have big lakes, nice trails, and good people. Yet, we aren’t perfect.

In fact, in Southern St. Louis County less than half of workers can earn paid sick time — the worst percentage in the state according to a recent study conducted by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research. That’s why when the campaign to pass earned sick and safe time throughout Minnesota launched last week, they came to Duluth to do it.

We were proud to stand with the Minnesota Benefits campaign as it kicked off with labor leaders, legislators, community organizations, small business owners and people who know what it’s like to choose between caring for their family and a pay check.

I believe that by working together, Northern Minnesota, can and will do better.


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Group Pushes for Paid Sick Time for All Minnesotans

It can be an impossible choice. Going to work, or caring for a sick child, but without pay. Or going to work sick, so you don’t miss out on wages.

A group of concerned citizens from all walks of life have joined together to launch the campaign, “Minnesota Benefits.” They held their kickoff event at the Depot on Tuesday.

Click here to see video from WDIO.Continue reading »

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DFL legislators introduce bill guaranteeing paid sick time

A coalition of labor, faith and community groups is hoping to make Minnesota the fourth state in the country to guarantee paid sick time off for workers.

“For those of us who have had paid time off, we often take it for granted,” said Dan McGrath, executive director of TakeAction Minesota, one of the groups backing a bill introduced by DFL lawmakers this week. “But there are a million working people in our state who don’t have that option.”

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Onward in 2015!

The New Year has me thinking a lot about our great state.

Minnesota is home to 5.3 million people and 852 cities.  We have four different ecosystems. We are vast, different and unique.

But we are also so much alike. We are Minnesotans.

I have lived in six of our state’s cities. From a tiny little farming town on the border of South Dakota to the heart of our largest city. Each place has shaped my experience of what it means to be a Minnesotan. One thing is clear to me: we all want a good life for our family, friends and neighbors. And the things that get in the way of someone thriving in north Minneapolis are the same as the barriers to living the life you choose in Duluth. Rosie the Riveter marching for women's economic security

Whether we are talking about a failed criminal justice system or the antiquated workplace that holds women back, the only way we are going to move on a path toward a Minnesota that leaves no one behind is if we move together.

The city I live in now (and love so much!) also affords me the privilege to work for an organization grappling with what it is going to take to win real change in people’s lives. … Continue reading »

Report Says Future Of Low Paid Workers Is Bleak

Despite the recent success in raising Minnesota’s minimum wage, a new report paints a bleak outlook for the state’s lowest paid workers. The worker rights groups, Working America and Take Action Minnesota, say a lot more is still needed to lift 622,000 Minnesotans out of poverty.

Their report titled, “The Future of Work in Minnesota,” cites unpaid sick time, erratic scheduling and out-sourcing as three of the major hurdles employees face in getting ahead.

But the groups are also celebrating a recent breakthrough for some of the workers they represent.

That breakthrough involves Target Corporation’s Responsible Contractor Policy.

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To Build a New Economy, a New Government Comes First


On a crisp autumn day in 2012, I joined a group of pastors and community leaders from the Illinois-Indiana Regional Organizing Network (IIRON) at a church on the south side of Chicago. We talked about the way corporations and the wealthy systematically hoarded political power over the last forty years to make our country work for them—instead of people like us. They built elite think tanks, bought the media, and took over universities. They fought back against the wave of pro-equality reforms that had been achieved in the 1950s and 1960s, and turned the tide in their favor.

That corporate-conservative movement transformed our political and economic landscape over the last 40 years, and the resulting shift has left us with growing economic and racial inequality, a broken democracy, and a planet on the verge of catastrophic climate change.

Together, that day we recognized that the solutions our elected leaders had proposed were wholly inadequate to the scale of the crises we faced: We’d seen massive bailouts for banks, while thousands of homeowners in our neighborhoods faced foreclosure and were getting little help staying afloat; We faced a massive jobs crisis without a proposal for the kind of public jobs program we needed.… Continue reading »

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Grassroots Campaign Seeks Family Friendly Candidate

s the Minnesota elections near a group is taking to the streets in a grassroots effort to try provide information to voters about candidates they believe will fight for issues like paid sick leave and paid maternity leave and other family matters.

Member, Rachel Chafee said, “I have learned how important it is spending time with the little one and so to be able to have paid maternity leave or parental leave, so that you don’t have to make a decision about whether you get to spend time with your kid or whether you pay your bills.”

Click here to read the full article.Continue reading »

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Expand the Vote Door Knock

Let’s make sure our community’s voices are heard!  The lives of people of color getting better depends on US casting ballots to make sure our concerns are priorities for the people we elect.  We can’t wait to EXPAND THE VOTE and build community power with you.

Join us by clicking here!

Questions or comments?  Contact Kandace Montgomery, Justice 4 All Organizer (Northside Based)., 207-459-6320Continue reading »

Expand the Vote Door Knock

Let’s make sure our community’s voices are heard!  The lives of people of color getting better depends on US casting ballots to make sure our concerns are priorities for the people we elect.  We can’t wait to EXPAND THE VOTE and build community power with you.

Join us by clicking here!

Questions or comments?  Contact Kandace Montgomery, Justice 4 All Organizer (Northside Based)., 207-459-6320… Continue reading »

Senior-to-Senior Phonebank for Rep. Paul Rosenthal

Join TakeAction Members to talk to fellow Minnesotans about their priorities, our vision and about re-electing progressive champions like Representative Paul Rosenthal so we can keep building an economy that puts people first.

This phonebank will be focused on talking to older Minnesotans about how retirement security is tied to our shared prosperity across generations, and what that means for how folks should vote in November.

Click here to RSVP. Continue reading »

Senior-to-Senior Phonebank for Rep. Barb Yarusso

Join TakeAction Members to talk to fellow Minnesotans about their priorities, our vision and about re-electing progressive champions like Representative Barb Yarusso so we can keep building an economy that puts people first.

This phonebank will be focused on talking to older Minnesotans about how retirement security is tied to our shared prosperity across generations, and what that means for how folks should vote in November.

Click here to RSVP. Continue reading »

Senior-to-Senior Phonebank for Rep. Rosenthal

What if we could stop the political pendulum from swinging from left to right in Minnesota? With your help, we can move our politics permanently towards real equity and deep democracy.

Sign up to join TakeAction Members to talk to fellow Minnesotans about their priorities, our vision and about re-electing progressive champions like Representative Paul Rosenthal so we can keep building an economy that puts people first.… Continue reading »

Brooklyn Park Doorknock

Join TakeAction Members to talk to fellow Minnesotans door to door about their priorities, our vision and about re-electing progressive champions to the Minnesota House of Representatives, and electing progressive mayoral candidate Joy Marsh Stephens, so we can keep building an economy that puts people first.

Click here to RSVP.Continue reading »

Brooklyn Park Doorknock

Join TakeAction Members to talk to fellow Minnesotans door to door about their priorities, our vision and about re-electing progressive champions to the Minnesota House of Representatives, and electing progressive mayoral candidate Joy Marsh Stephens, so we can keep building an economy that puts people first.

Click here to RSVP.Continue reading »

Brooklyn Park Doorknock

Join TakeAction Members to talk to fellow Minnesotans door to door about their priorities, our vision and about re-electing progressive champions to the Minnesota House of Representatives, and electing progressive mayoral candidate Joy Marsh Stephens, so we can keep building an economy that puts people first.

Click here to RSVP.Continue reading »

Brooklyn Park Doorknock

Join TakeAction Members to talk to fellow Minnesotans door to door about their priorities, our vision and about re-electing progressive champions to the Minnesota House of Representatives, and electing progressive mayoral candidate Joy Marsh Stephens, so we can keep building an economy that puts people first.

Click here to RSVP.Continue reading »

Brooklyn Park Doorknock

Join TakeAction Members to talk to fellow Minnesotans door to door about their priorities, our vision and about re-electing progressive champions to the Minnesota House of Representatives, and electing progressive mayoral candidate Joy Marsh Stephens, so we can keep building an economy that puts people first.

Click here to RSVP.Continue reading »

Brooklyn Park Doorknock

Join TakeAction Members to talk to fellow Minnesotans door to door about their priorities, our vision and about re-electing progressive champions to the Minnesota House of Representatives, and electing progressive mayoral candidate Joy Marsh Stephens, so we can keep building an economy that puts people first.

Click here to RSVP.Continue reading »

Brooklyn Park Doorknock

Join TakeAction Members to talk to fellow Minnesotans door to door about their priorities, our vision and about re-electing progressive champions to the Minnesota House of Representatives, and electing progressive mayoral candidate Joy Marsh Stephens, so we can keep building an economy that puts people first.

Click here to RSVP.Continue reading »

Brooklyn Park Doorknock

Join TakeAction Members to talk to fellow Minnesotans door to door about their priorities, our vision and about re-electing progressive champions to the Minnesota House of Representatives, and electing Progressive mayoral candidate Joy Marsh Stephens, so we can keep building an economy that puts people first.

Click here to RSVP.Continue reading »

Brooklyn Park Doorknock

Join TakeAction Members to talk to fellow Minnesotans door to door about their priorities, our vision and about re-electing progressive champions to the Minnesota House of Representatives, and electing progressive mayoral candidate Joy Marsh Stephens, so we can keep building an economy that puts people first.

Click here to RSVP.Continue reading »