At TakeAction Minnesota, we support a people-centered statewide agenda that reflects the world we want to live in. Our legislative priorities reflect our values, not as progressives, but as Minnesotans:
- Everyone has inherent worth and dignity
- There’s enough for all
- We love and support each other
Together, we’re changing who decides and who benefits in our economy and in our democracy. Through our campaigns, we’re making more possible.
Our 2020 legislative priorities include:
- Access to Medicine. Establish a Drug Price Affordability Board to rein in out of control prescription drug prices and stop drug corporations from killing people. Drugs don’t work if they’re not affordable.
- Expand MinnesotaCare. Ensure every Minnesotan and small business has the opportunity to buy into public health insurance.
- Protect Health Care. Codify ACA standards in state law ahead of Texas vs. US which aims to repeal the ACA through the Supreme Court.
- Paid Time to Care. Pass Paid Family & Medical Leave and Earned Sick and Safe Time because no one should choose between caring for a loved one and a paycheck.
TakeAction Minnesota also supports the Universal Family Care framework (paid time to care, social insurance for long-term care and child care), drivers licenses for all, climate justice with the 100% Campaign, restoring voting rights, dignity at work, investments in education, gun violence prevention and more.
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