Tag Archives: Ideas Worth Fighting For
Win the Day: Volume 2
Posted September 17, 2018
Dear friend,
We launched our new political blog called Win the Day last week. Thanks for reading and sharing it.
Every week, we’re highlighting people, stories, and ideas working to #WinTheDay. To us, winning elections isn’t the same as winning the day. It’s the work of building the core narratives that shape the ways we make meaning together.
It starts with the values that ground us. It sets us up to imagine a future worth fighting for.
On that note, an important report was released today called Toward a More Caring Minnesota.
Here’s what stands out:
- Minnesotans believe in looking out for each other. We value care and fairness, no matter our color. When a flu shot shortage swept the country in 2004, Minnesota had a massive surplus because everyone wanted to make sure the neediest folks got vaccinated first.
- As Minnesotans, we aren’t living up to our values around care. Dog-whistle politics and corporate influence in our State Capitol, from the Freedom Club to the Center for the American Experiment, have led to massive cuts to the care we all need.
- Political donors and corporate interests are pulling strings in our democracy, and messing with our care.
Win the Day: Volume 1
Posted September 11, 2018
Welcome to Win the Day, a new weekly political series from TakeAction Minnesota. We're unapologetic progressives. We dream big. Like so many of you, we're hungry to change what’s possible. That's why we're launching Win the Day. To us, winning elections isn't the same as winning the day. Winning the day is the power to change the story. The foundational stories: the ones that shape the the way we think. Who are we as Minnesotans? What are the struggles that connect us? These underlying stories show us what is and isn't possible. It’s an arena of power that, frankly, we don't always fight for.Ideas Worth Fighting For: End of Session & Series Wrap-Up
Posted March 4, 2018
This Ideas Worth Fighting For workshop is the completion of our winter & spring series on Climate Justice, Caring Economy, and Justice 4 All (i.e. ending Mass Incarceration). We will summarize & reflect on what we’ve learned, how we’ve deepened our analyses on race, gender, & corporate power, and we will plan what’s next, including end-of-legislative session activities. The format is interactive & relational. It’s designed to be exploratory, engaging, & creative, while still being knowledge-based, political, and pragmatic. Inspiring & grounded: that’s the goal. The agenda is designed to level-set between new & returning attendees. 6:00-6:30 will be an organizational orientation. 6:30-7:30 will be issue deeper dives. 7:30-8:30 will be planning time. 8:30-9:00 will be unstructured social time. Pre-readings will be emailed to registered attendees.
Ideas Worth Fighting For: Climate Justice, Caring Economy, and Justice 4 All
This Ideas Worth Fighting For workshop is designed to introduce and relate our program areas in Climate Justice, Caring Economy, and Justice 4 All (i.e. ending Mass Incarceration). The format is interactive & relational. It’s designed to be exploratory, engaging, & creative, while still being knowledge-based, political, and pragmatic. Inspiring & grounded: that’s the goal. This workshop will feature orientations on the organization & how we campaign, policy basics on each issue area (and their intersections), our analysis on race, gender, & corporate power, and concrete next steps, if you want to go deeper on any of them. The agenda is designed to level-set between new & returning attendees. 6:00-6:30 will be an organizational orientation. 6:30-7:15 will be issue orientations. 7:15-8:30 will be work shopping time. 8:30-9:00 will be unstructured social time. Pre-readings will be emailed to registered attendees.… Continue reading »
Ideas Worth Fighting For: Climate Justice, Caring Economy, and Justice 4 All
This Ideas Worth Fighting For workshop is designed to introduce and relate our program areas in Climate Justice, Caring Economy, and Justice 4 All (i.e. ending Mass Incarceration). The format is interactive & relational. It’s designed to be exploratory, engaging, & creative, while still being knowledge-based, political, and pragmatic. Inspiring & grounded: that’s the goal. This workshop will feature orientations on the organization & how we campaign, policy basics on each issue area (and their intersections), our analysis on race, gender, & corporate power, and concrete next steps, if you want to go deeper on any of them. The agenda is designed to level-set between new & returning attendees. 5:00-5:30 will be an organizational orientation. 5:30-6:15 will be issue orientations. 6:15-7:30 will be workshopping time. 7:30-8:00 will be unstructured social time. Pre-readings will be emailed to registered attendees.… Continue reading »
Transitioning to an Equitable, Carbon-Free Economy: An Idea Worth Fighting For
This Ideas Worth Fighting For workshop is designed to be a deeper-dive on issues related to climate justice and the intersections between renewable energy, good jobs, and racial & gender equity. Its aim is to be a first step in developing solutions that match the scale of the challenges we face, that take on racism, gender oppression, & corporate power. The format is interactive & relational. It’s designed to be exploratory, engaging, & creative, while still being knowledge-based, political, and pragmatic. Inspiring & grounded: that’s the goal. The agenda is designed to level-set between new & returning attendees. 6:00-6:30 will be an orientation for first time attendees. 6:30-7:00 will be an issue orientation. 7:00-8:30 will be work shopping time. 8:30-9:00 will be unstructured social time. Pre-readings will be emailed to registered attendees.… Continue reading »