Tag Archives: justice 4 all

Second Chance Coalition Day on the Hill

Posted December 5, 2018

Join over 60 Minnesota organizations for the Second Chance Day on the Hill at the Minnesota State Capitol Rotunda.

The best way for you to influence the polices that impact you and those you care about is by meeting in person with your legislators. This year we will only be visiting legislators if we have a pre-scheduled meeting for at least one constituent.

Between the hundreds that show up to the rally and the visits that happen, this is the greatest way to show our law makers that Second Chances are important for ALL Minnesotans.

CLICK HERE TO REGISTER!Continue reading »

Mark Dayton meets with African-American leaders after ‘horrific’ video of Castile’s death released

Posted June 22, 2017

With stone-faced African-American leaders standing behind him, Gov. Mark Dayton said Wednesday that watching the newly released video of St. Anthony police officer Jeronimo Yanez killing motorist Philando Castile was horrifying, painful and shocking.

Dayton, a Democrat, said it was one of the “horrific reminders that everyone … is not treated equally in the state of Minnesota.”

The governor made his comments after meeting with the leaders for more than an hour. The meeting was filled with “raw emotion” as the community grappled with the visions of Yanez shooting Castile just seconds after pulling him over during a traffic stop last July in Falcon Heights. 

Read the article here.Continue reading »

Justice 4 All Storytelling and Blog Training

Posted April 11, 2017

J4A Leaders and Members receive a training on powerful storytelling tactics.

Please RSVP at this link: https://secure.everyaction.com/r-ftu9lIxU24TaEmLcb-eg2

Free parking and food. Please let us know at least 24 hours in advance if you need childcare at this event.

Contact Tommy Franklin J4A Organizer; tommy@takeactionminnesota.org; 651 500 8503… Continue reading »

J4A Lobby Day

Posted March 8, 2017

You can be a part of influencing the legislation that affects persons with criminal records by joining Justice 4 All to visit MN State Representatives and letting them know how you and these folks are affected by unfair laws. You will be able to share compelling stories of persons with criminal records doing what they need to do to live positive and productive lives.

On this day, we will continue to focus on our opposition to the reopening of the private prison in Appleton, MN.

Contact: Tommy Franklin, Justice 4 All Organizer

Sign up at this link: https://secure.everyaction.com/XYXmLy0ULUG3hcUjxebM0g2Continue reading »

J4A Lobby Day


You can be a part of influencing the legislation that affects persons with criminal records by joining Justice 4 All to visit MN State Representatives and letting them know how you and these folks are affected by unfair laws. You will be able to share compelling stories of persons with criminal records doing what they need to do to live positive and productive lives.

On this day,

Contact: Tommy Franklin, Justice 4 All Organizer

Sign up at this link:… Continue reading »

J4A Lobby Day


You can be a part of influencing the legislation that affects persons with criminal records by joining Justice 4 All to visit MN State Representatives and letting them know how you and these folks are affected by unfair laws. You will be able to share compelling stories of persons with criminal records doing what they need to do to live positive and productive lives.

On this day, March 9th, 2017, we’ll voice our support for the bill, House File 0951, that would restore voting rights for 60,000 Minnesotans on probation or parole.

Contact: Tommy Franklin, Justice 4 All Organizer

Sign up at this link: https://secure.everyaction.com/jvVbd2jGMk2RDfXPi2V4kw2Continue reading »

Justice 4 All March Madness Weekly Phonebank

Posted March 2, 2017

Join Justice 4 All every Tuesday in March, where we’ll discuss our liberation, how to win and end the cycle of laws trying to oppress our communities, and weave it all into powerful conversations we’ll be having on the phones!

We’ll call statewide to talk about issues we care about, and give strength to bills we want to see become a reality, like the restoration of voting rights for 60,000 formerly incarcerated and convicted Minnesotans. We’ll also call to fight back! We’ll resist harmful bills like one that aims to criminalize pregnant women battling addiction.

Sign up at this link: https://secure.everyaction.com/eZYxHalXFkei8HhrY6KSog2

 … Continue reading »

Justice 4 All March Madness Weekly Phonebank


Join Justice 4 All every Tuesday in March, where we’ll discuss our liberation, how to win and end the cycle of laws trying to oppress our communities, and weave it all into powerful conversations we’ll be having on the phones!

We’ll call statewide to talk about issues we care about, and give strength to bills we want to see become a reality, like the restoration of voting rights for 60,000 formerly incarcerated and convicted Minnesotans. We’ll also call to fight back! We’ll resist harmful bills like one that aims to criminalize pregnant women battling addiction.

Sign up at this link:

 … Continue reading »

Justice 4 All March Madness Weekly Phonebank


Join Justice 4 All every Tuesday in March, where we’ll discuss our liberation, how to win and end the cycle of laws trying to oppress our communities, and weave it all into powerful conversations we’ll be having on the phones!

We’ll call statewide to talk about issues we care about, and give strength to bills we want to see become a reality, like the restoration of voting rights for 60,000 formerly incarcerated and convicted Minnesotans. We’ll also call to fight back! We’ll resist harmful bills like one that aims to criminalize pregnant women battling addiction.

Sign up at this link: https://secure.everyaction.com/uLFQQX00vEKsa9ZjLrEkWg2

Contact Tommy Franklin, Justice 4 All Organizer, with any questions.

 … Continue reading »

Justice 4 All March Madness Weekly Phonebank


Join Justice 4 All every Tuesday in March, where we’ll discuss our liberation, how to win and end the cycle of laws trying to oppress our communities, and weave it all into powerful conversations we’ll be having on the phones!

We’ll call statewide to talk about issues we care about, and give strength to bills we want to see become a reality, like the restoration of voting rights for 60,000 formerly incarcerated and convicted Minnesotans. We’ll also call to fight back! We’ll resist harmful bills like one that aims to criminalize pregnant women battling addiction.

Sign up at this link: https://secure.everyaction.com/ZJ309TRefk2cXqnlxn5hRQ2

 … Continue reading »

What matters to us most

Posted November 17, 2016

We’re all wondering what will happen. To ourselves, friends, families. To our jobs, healthcare, finances. To our society, state, country. It’s more than okay to say, “I don’t know.” In fact, that’s been the answer to most of the questions I’m asked since election night. All I could really say is this is what the world has turned out to be. All I can really do is reach out to you and ask how are you feeling? Tell me the good, tell me the bad. J4A is a community that makes it easier to wake up every morning and be reminded that we still have something powerful, here.

One of the easiest reminders of how powerful you all have been this year is Erin Maye Quade being elected to the MN House of Representatives. We all had a clear stake in the history made in Apple Valley as a result of being a part of well over 2,000  Take Action election shifts this year. Be proud of that, and know that your efforts made this state more beautiful in an ugly aftermath. The Republicans are trying to kill that beauty, and so we need to double down on not only what we want to achieve, but also double down on our passions and efforts on this journey to end mass incarceration, systematic racism and gender oppression, not to mention the corporate power that generated over that last 15 years and allowed for such a bizarre election cycle and result.… Continue reading »


Posted November 3, 2016

tumblr_ncqafu4ytp1tilnwmo10_540This week the Justice 4 All Program went back to work calling Formally Incarcerated and Convicted Minnesotans. We completed over 7,000 dials and have built a statewide list of eligible voters who have been through the Justice system. These voters are headed to the polls on Tuesday and we hope they will follow us to the Capitol in January to fight for voting rights restoration. Join us on Election Day by signing up to share our message on Social Media. 

The following is a reflection I wrote after brave words from a powerful young woman.

During a recent J4A political education session at one of our phone banks, an Ethiopian High School student brought up immigration as the primary system that has impacted her life. She talked about the threat of deportation and worrying about how filling out the wrong form could result in her family being torn apart. This is a big problem often seen as separate from the issue of criminal justice, but they not separate, they are the same problem.

The same prisons that detain Black and Brown folks for drug crimes are the same prisons that detain Brown and Black Immigrant folks before they are deported.Continue reading »

Tough Questions (Restore the Vote Block Party)

Posted September 20, 2016

Join the Leaders of the Justice 4 All (J4A) Program Tuesday, September 27th at 5pm as we host the Restore the Vote MN Coalition for a Block Party, door knock and phone bank. We will be reaching out to formally incarcerated Minnesotans across the state to move them to action this election.Souls2Polls-5 

Today, there are at least 20,000 incarcerated people across the country on strike demanding fair wages, better work conditions and humane treatment. This is the largest prison strike in the history of our country. People are risking their safety, being thrown into isolation and cut off from their family members just to make sure their voices are heard.

What are you risking to make this world more humane?

Today, many people sat glued to their phones as another unarmed Black Man was gunned down in Tulsa, Oklahoma and videotaped for all of us to watch. Another family has lost one of its own to state-sanctioned violence. Let the outcry and demand for Justice begin as another person transitions from a living man to a hashtag.

What are you demanding?

This past weekend, we saw the community of Saint Cloud, MN torn apart by an individual’s senseless acts of violence.… Continue reading »

Join us on March 15: Bring Back the Voices of 47,000 Minnesotans

Posted March 10, 2016

47000-53The Minnesota Second Chance Coalition is holding the Second Chance Day on the Hill, annual rally on March 15th, at 10:00 am, at Christ Lutheran Church on Capitol Hill.  Join Leaders from the Justice 4 All Program as we rally with our allies and show state lawmakers how important justice reform is to Minnesota. The following statement is from the Co-Chair of the Second Chance Coalition, Josh Esmay.

My name is Josh Esmay; I am the Director of Public Policy and Advocacy at the Council on Crime and Justice, and co-chair of the Second Chance Coalition.

The issue at the heart of the Coalition’s mission- the collateral consequences of criminal records- is one of the most important problems facing our society.  In the last 30 years we’ve seen a massive increase in the scope of our criminal justice system.  As a result, in Minnesota alone, today an estimated 1 in 4 people have a criminal record.  And now, changes in technology have made people’s records incredibly easy to access, causing stigma to permeate nearly every aspect of one’s life, from employment, to housing, to civil engagement and personal relationships. As an attorney, practicing both in the public defender system and at Council on Crime and Justice, I’ve had the privilege of working with many good people whose lives have been devastated by their involvement in the criminal justice system. … Continue reading »

A Way Home

Posted February 24, 2016

At TakeAction Minnesota’s Justice 4 All Program, I have found a home. Since being convicted of a felony more than a decade ago, I have long felt like an orphan to American society. And like many orphans, I ran away. I may not have always been conscious of it, but I was running. By running, I was postponing my truth. Joining the fight as the new Justice 4 All Organizer has allowed me to give my truth a makeover.

Trying to overcome the stain of your criminal background is like being sequestered in a deep sea submarine, with no clear idea of when you’ll resurface. Or, it’s as if you’re climbing a mountain, and you’re clever enough to find the least treacherous path to the top, only to discover that your entry to the top is not granted, because you left something at the bottom of the mountain. You’re then told that you must go back down the mountain, pick up your criminal record, and climb back up the most difficult route-the nearly impossible route-and if you do that, only then will you barely be considered being let all the way to the top. Now, it is very likely that, we, the formerly incarcerated, left with no other choice, will assess that alternative plan and deem it unworthy, that there is little to no opportunity or incentive to reroute and climb the mountain all over again.… Continue reading »

Connecting Our Stories — Emily

Posted February 15, 2016

Emily Terrell is a Leader with the Justice 4 All Program at TakeAction Minnesota. As a
photographer she aims to document the progressive movement and as a counselor she RTVpic2works with young women in the Juvenile Justice System leading restorative practices. See her work on display this Wednesday, Feb 17th at an event sponsored by the MPLS NAACP. 

I believe that stories are powerful. Spending time with people, hearing their stories, and collectively finding meaning within them is what I do, and it is my life’s work.

It is why I was excited to partner with Justice 4 All on the Restore the Vote project. Because there are 47,000 stories in Minnesota that are not being heard by our body politic. 47,000 faces, names, histories, experiences, hurts, successes and perspectives that are excluded from the decision-making process.

Through the Restore the Vote project, I wanted to capture some of those faces, some of those perspectives, and make sure that the stories were told, even if they can’t do it at the ballot box, yet.

Justice 4 All and their community partners engaged the state of Minnesota in a rigorous campaign last session. I was invited to the Restore the Vote Panel and Exhibit hosted by the Minneapolis NAACP to share photography that highlights the stories of real people, people who are not able to have a voice in their democracy and who’re still fighting to change this, with the support of many allies, because we still haven’t won.… Continue reading »

“Is it too much for me to ask for my receipt?”

Posted January 22, 2016

KevinReeseLast week the Justice 4 All Program was supportive of an event at Lino Lakes led by a group of incarcerated men called the B.R.I.D.G.E Trust. This group is led by Kevin Reese who, even though he is incarcerated, has organized not just the men at the prison, but several community partners, the MN Dept. of Corrections (DOC) and the Governor’s office to take note of the powerful work they are leading to advance prison reform.

It is my pleasure to share Kevin Reese’s wisdom on the issue of Voting Rights Restoration with you. Please share with your people.   

My name is Kevin Reese, and I’m 28 and I’ve been in prison since I was 18. I take full responsibility for my actions that led me here. The state of Minnesota sentenced me to 22 years to pay my debt to society, and paying my debt is what I’ve been doing. I’ve completed every mandate that the judge placed in front of me, and tapped into every resource the prison can offer.

Now I want to pose the question: after I pay my debt is it too much for me to ask for my receipt? And on that receipt can we acknowledge that, jobs, community, and family are the cornerstones to keeping people from ending up back in prison?… Continue reading »

Still Fighting to Make 47K Voices Heard

Posted May 21, 2015

Last weekend, strong, bi-partisan language that would restore the right to vote to 47,000 Minnesotans stalled at the Capitol.

Thousands of Minnesotans like you took action this year to move this campaign forward — Minnesotan’s like Debra, who fought every week to honor the memory of her son.

RTV_DeborahDebra’s family is just one of many that knows the pain of being isolated from the community — and also the joy of being part of our democracy. Her story is why we fought this year, and why we’ll keep fighting.

“I am in the fight to restore the vote for my son.

He was a great child, and as he grew older he had run-ins with the justice system that resulted in his incarceration. After his release, he did all he could to show everyone that he was a better man, father, and citizen. But the system wouldn’t allow that. He could not sign a lease to stay and support his family. He could not vote to change discriminatory laws. Because of his criminal record he faced barriers to moving on with his life. For years, my son battled depression, expressing tear-filled frustrations to me because of his unfair treatment.

In 2012, after waiting what seemed like a lifetime, a little blue slip of paper came in the mail.… Continue reading »

How to Eat an Elephant

Posted April 27, 2015

Nathanal Doehling is a Leader with the Justice 4 All Program at TakeAction Minnesota. He has been through the Justice System and is dedicated to making sure all people have a fair shot at a job and a voice in their Democracy. Here’s a blog by him on the campaign to restore the vote: 

RTV_NathanaelIt is no accident that over 47k people have been locked out of their Democracy. It is no accident that over 20k of those people are people of color. Since we know it’s not an accident and those who make the laws know it’s no accident, let’s correct the language being used. The system is not broken. It is working the way it was intended to. Locking up people of color and locking us out of our Democracy.

But a problem that is people made can be people solved.  People on all sides of the political spectrum using our vote and our voice is the only way we can change the way things are.

But sometimes this problem can feel bigger than an elephant.

How do you eat an elephant? One bite a time! How do you eat a donkey? One bite at a time! I don’t see me eating any elephants or donkeys but I do know that the system has made a meal off of our communities for too long.… Continue reading »

47,000 Voices Heard

Posted April 13, 2015

This week leaders from the Justice 4 All Program will be hosting a rally for the 47,000 Minnesotans being denied the vote by our Justice System. Jason Sole is a Professor at Metro State University and a respected trainer and advocate for Justice Reform. Jason has a compelling story to tell that you can read in his book “From Prison to PHD.”

Jason SoleBelow are remarks Jason made in support of voting rights restoration. I invite you to read his story and come out and join us as we rally this week to make these 47,000 voices heard. 

 “I have only been able to vote once in my lifetime.

As a young black man in America, I got into trouble and tried to defend myself in the only ways I knew how. I felt there was nowhere for me to run for protection. I paid the price and took responsibility for my actions, but now, even though I’ve been on probation since 2006, I will not be able to vote until 2026.

J4ALT-8Across the world, we are hearing people screaming that Black lives matter. But according to Minnesota, with respect to voting, Black and Native American lives don’t matter at all because we are the most disenfranchised.… Continue reading »

Lining the highway to St. Cloud

Posted April 6, 2015

There are enough Minnesotans being denied the right to vote to theoretically line the highway between MPLS and St. Cloud. These are people working and paying taxes. Parents who can’t vote for school board, people who have spent time in a cell but can’t vote for Judges responsible for sentencing. And for what? What do we gain as a society from stopping these 50,000 Minnesotans from influencing who governs them?

Last month, over 100 people from communities impacted by the justice system took to the phones at TakeAction Minnesota to fight for the restoration of voting rights. These were new partners like Minneapolis Mad Dads, Better Futures MN, Change Equals Opportunity (C.E.O.), Ujama Place and NdCAD. Progressive allies like the Communication Workers of America (CWA) and the Restore the Vote Coalition.

Together we made over 12,000 calls to connect Minnesotans to their legislators asking them to support the restoration of voting rights. Out of the folks who took action with us, one third knew someone with a criminal record.

We have strong bi-partisan support with over 30 Republican legislators signed-on on to the bill, and communities are asking elected officials at the Capitol to do the right thing and give every day Minnesotans a voice in their democracy.… Continue reading »

Enough Minnesotans to Fill Target Field

Posted January 28, 2015

This past election 60,000 Minnesotans were denied the right to vote because of the Justice System. These are folks living in the community, paying taxes (if they can find a job), and being turned away at the polls because they are on probation or parole for a felony conviction.

Let me put it this way — that is enough people to fill Target Field one and half times. If you add up how many African Americans in MN have had their right to vote taken away, it is enough to fill half the Twins Stadium!

Fifty years ago, Martin Luther King Jr. marched from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama to demand African Americans have a fair shot at the ballot box. Fifty years later we are still fighting for the same thing.

Join us at Second Chance Day on the Hill where we will rally and meet with elected officials (Republicans and Democrats) and ask them to support the Restoration of Voting Rights for our Minnesotans across the state.

For more about Justice 4 All visit

For more info about #RestoreTheVote http://restorethevotemn.org/

Oh yeah, one more thing about jobs. Below is a list of local entry level job opportunities. Please share with folks who need some encouragement in their job search.… Continue reading »

Expand the Vote Door Knock

Posted October 8, 2014

Let’s make sure our community’s voices are heard!  The lives of people of color getting better depends on US casting ballots to make sure our concerns are priorities for the people we elect.  We can’t wait to EXPAND THE VOTE and build community power with you.

Join us by clicking here!

Questions or comments?  Contact Kandace Montgomery, Justice 4 All Organizer (Northside Based). kandace@takeactionminnesota.org, 207-459-6320… Continue reading »

Ready to mess with politics?

Posted September 16, 2014

When I am out in the community and I ask folks if they are registered to vote, a lot of times people respond with “I don’t mess with politics.” If this is you, I have something very important for you to know: whether or not you want to mess with politics, it’s messing with you. Doorknock

You can’t avoid being impacted by the people who control the policies and resources that govern our community. As a matter of fact, the longer we choose to “not mess with politics” the longer we are in danger of being screwed by systems run by people who don’t represent our values and experiences.

To make it plain, when you don’t “mess with politics” you get Police and Teachers who don’t live in or know anything about your neighborhood but are responsible to protect and educate your community. When you don’t “mess with politics” you get elected officials who listen to millionaires and corporations instead of listening to you. Not messing with politics may sound righteous, but in actuality, puts all the control and power in the hands of those whose instincts are to oppress us.

So are you ready to mess with politics?

Join us this Saturday as we hit the doors in North Minneapolis and on the East Side of ST.… Continue reading »

Jobs and Justice 4 All

Posted September 2, 2014

It’s Labor Day weekend and according to Angela Glover Blackwell Executive Director of PolicyLink, unemployment in the African American community has been a problem for six decades. We are talking about sixty years of wealth being drained from our families and communities. We can ask why, but we know the answer. In a country where unarmed black men are gunned down and choked to death in broad daylight by officers who are supposed to protect our communities. We know that we still have a problem with race.

Unemployment in the African American community is not about individual choices. It’s about Corporations who have had discriminatory hiring practices for more than sixty years. It’s about a Justice System that has used the War on Drugs and over policing to dismantle our families by putting more African Americans behind bars that we had in Slavery. It’s about people not having any reason to believe they will get a fair shot if they apply to jobs.

What’s the answer? We need to be in full control over the resources and policies that govern our community. The first step is building a voter block so that decision makers understand they are accountable to us.… Continue reading »

Locked Up Locked Out

Posted July 14, 2014

This past Saturday at Locked up Locked out, community members came together to talk about the impact of the criminal justice system on our community. Shvonne Johnson Associate Dean of Students at St. Catherine’s offered a powerful spoken word piece that ask the question, what is our response to the system that criminalizes us? I think it is safe to say that 122+ signatures (and that is just the begining) for Governor Dayton to stop by North MPLS and talk about this issue is a solid response.

See you on the doors, but until then, here is Professor Johnsons spoken word piece.

Thank you to everyone who made #LockedUpLockedOut a success!

Locked up, Locked Out…

“To discuss the inhumanity of a system that is failing is not what this is about…
Although the system is failing…
To discuss a system that is broken is not what this poem is about.
Although it is broken…
This is about the pain of not having a place for mistakes and it being socially acceptable, and expected to be on the outskirts of humanity which might make you feel locked out.
We can talk about the socialization of our penal system which deems it lawful to subject a human being entirely to the domination of some influence or person.… Continue reading »

Locked Up Locked Out + Jobs

Posted July 9, 2014

We know that people with records face barriers to employment, housing and democracy and to add insult to injury, big companies make even BIGGER profits from us — but won’t hire a brotha with a past. All while keeping us from voting so we have no voice on Election Day.

Enough is enough. This Saturday, we are getting together to demand corporations give us a fair shot at a job and to make it clear to our elected officials that while people on probation for felony convictions can’t vote, our families can and will be at the polls. We will vote for the candidate who will listen to us and support an agenda that moves Minnesota forward and creates more opportunity and Justice 4 All of us.

Come out and join us as we share our stories, build an agenda and take action for change. Locked up Locked out is just the beginning, let’s build a movement. Register at this link: Locked up Locked out

Then keep scrolling for more events and 47 job postings to help with you job search below.

Justin Terrell

Locked up Locked out
2nd Chance Saturday
Powerful Invitations Training
Running Effective Door Knocks and Phone Banks Training
Together for Health

Job Postings:

Below are some links to help with your job search.… Continue reading »

Sharing our stories at Locked Up Locked Out


Jamil Jackson grew up on the North side of Minneapolis with two parents and was active in school and sports. By age 16, Jamil found himself as the man of the house, with no parents and responsible for feeding 6 siblings by working part time at Target and doing what it takes to keep the lights on.

Today, Jamil is a leader in our community, but you may have never heard of him. I hadn’t, not until my 17 year old mentee told me about his Run and Shoot league. Every Sunday, Jamil and his coaches pack the gym at Farview Park with hundreds of the city’s best athletes. These kids show up and show out on the court, but Jamil also requires them to attend a mentoring session. At these sessions kids connect lessons from the court to life. When I spoke to the room full of kids, I asked, “do you know anyone with a criminal record?” and every hand in the room went up.

Ask yourself, what lessons have these kids learned? What obstacles do they have to navigate? Who do you think should be helping them navigate these obstacles? Maybe someone who has been through the same thing?… Continue reading »

Need a job?

Posted June 23, 2014

Need a job? We know that if you have been impacted by the Justice System getting a job can be hard. Below are some links to help you with your job search.

If you get a job or find questions about your background on the job application, please let us know by emailing me at Justin@TakeActionMinnesota.org.

Also, join the conversation on what we can do to fight back against the impact of the justice system on our families. Come out to Locked up Locked out! A community conversation on what we can do together.


Justin Terrell
Justice 4 All Program Manager
TakeAction Minnesota
705 Raymond Avenue
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55114


Ballantine Painting & Drywall – Painters and Tapers
Healthy Homes/Lead Hazard Control/Insulation/Weatherization – Crew Member
Vantage Painting Co. – Painter, Interior and Exterior
Horizon Roofing, Inc. – Laborer on a Roofing Crew
Shaw/Stewart Lumber Co. – Driver/Yard Person
Twin City Framers – Entry Level Framer
MP Nexlevel, LLC – Laborers, Operators
Prestige Pools – Crew Member

Landscape/Groundskeeping/Building Maintenance
Dominium Apartment Complex in St. Paul – Groundskeeper
CommonBond Communities, Apartments in Minneapolis – Housekeeping/Caretaker
CommonBond Communities Apartment in St. Paul – Maintenance Technician I

Martin-Brower – Warehouse Person
Pro-Staff Recruitment Job – Part-Time Warehouse, General Laborer (1 year work history required)
Delaware North Companies, Target Center – Warehouse Porter
Wirtz Beverage – Night Warehouse Worker; Casual
Clopay/Griffon Corporation – Warehouse Worker I
UniFirst – Warehouse Unloader
Gulfeagle Supply – Warehouse Helper
Intermix Beverage – Warehouse Assistant (forklift experience)
Twin City Staffing – 3rd Shift Warehouse Worker
Southern Wine and Spirits – Warehouse; Nights
Viking Electric Supply – Warehouse Associate, 3rd Shift

Restaurant/Food Service
Aramark Food Service/Minnesota Arboretum – Food Service Worker
Bakers Square – Dishwashers
Delaware North Companies/Target Field – Suites Dishwasher
The Capital Grille – Server Assistant
The Capital Grille – Dishwashers
Morrison Senior Living – Cooks, Servers, Dishwashers
Minneapolis Marriot City Center – Server/Room Service

The Yard House, St.Continue reading »

Off and running

Posted February 19, 2014

Last weekend hundreds of Minnesotans gathered in St. Paul and watched online as we elected our board of directors, kicked off a bold agenda for change in 2014, dreamed big together, and just had some plain old fun at our carnival.

See the beautiful mural below built from people’s dreams for our state and our families, then say you’re in for what’s next.

Win Build & Change the StoryContinue reading »