Tag Archives: Senate District 14

St. Cloud: Patch Through Phonebank for Health Care

Posted May 13, 2019

We believe we can live in a Minnesota that is for us, by us. Join us for a phone bank to connect constituents with their legislators. We will be calling folks living in Central Minnesota, asking them to join us in making their voices heard to support paid time to care and people-centered health care at the Capitol. Training and food will be provided.

Everybody in, nobody out. No exceptions.

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St. Cloud: Patch Through Phonebank for Health Care


We believe we can live in a Minnesota that is for us, by us. Join us for a phone bank to connect constituents with their legislators. We will be calling folks living in Central Minnesota, asking them to join us in making their voices heard to support paid time to care and people-centered health care at the Capitol. Training and food will be provided.

Everybody in, nobody out. No exceptions.

Register Here.Continue reading »