Tag Archives: St. Cloud
St. Cloud: Patch Through Phonebank for Health Care
Posted May 13, 2019
We believe we can live in a Minnesota that is for us, by us. Join us for a phone bank to connect constituents with their legislators. We will be calling folks living in Central Minnesota, asking them to join us in making their voices heard to support paid time to care and people-centered health care at the Capitol. Training and food will be provided.
Everybody in, nobody out. No exceptions.
St. Cloud: Patch Through Phonebank for Health Care
We believe we can live in a Minnesota that is for us, by us. Join us for a phone bank to connect constituents with their legislators. We will be calling folks living in Central Minnesota, asking them to join us in making their voices heard to support paid time to care and people-centered health care at the Capitol. Training and food will be provided.
Everybody in, nobody out. No exceptions.
Creating People-Centered Care: Health Care Round Table with Legislators in St Cloud
Posted April 23, 2019
Here in Minnesota, we value our communities, and we know when our neighbors have the care they need, so do we. Minnesotans know we are all interconnected in our fight for the health care we need and the time we need to care for ourselves and others. TakeAction Minnesota knows our power comes from our communities and our relationships with each other and our leaders. We believe in people-centered health care. We have a choice to protect and expand health care. We want to make sure that our legislators are making the choice that will center people and not corporations. Join us for a healthcare roundtable to shine a light on the choice we have in front of us with healthcare. We’ll be sharing our health care stories and with our legislators from Senate District 14. Join us to ask them to commit to fighting for a Minnesota with people-centered healthcare.Parking is free on weekend and childcare is available on request.… Continue reading »
St Cloud Patch Through Phone Bank
Posted March 6, 2019
Join us to reach out to people in Central Minnesotan Legislative Districts to invite them to contact their local legislator to encourage them to prioritize healthcare, funding the provider tax, and earned sick and safe time. Join us to chat with people in Central MN about their legislative priorities and invite them to join us in making our voices heard to legislators!
Training and food provided! Laptops are available on a first come first serve basis.
St Cloud Patch Through Phone Bank
Join us to reach out to people in Central Minnesotan Legislative Districts to invite them to contact their local legislator to encourage them to prioritize healthcare, funding the provider tax, and earned sick and safe time. Join us to chat with people in Central MN about their legislative priorities and invite them to join us in making our voices heard to legislators!
Training and food provided! Laptops are available on a first come first serve basis.
St Cloud Member Meeting: Speaking Your Truth to Power-Story Telling Training
Posted January 31, 2019
Join TakeAction members, leaders and activists as we present a storytellers training where folks can get tools to powerfully tell their stories. Together we will explore why our stories about our lived experiences are the key to moving from activists to changemakers on topics that impact our lives. We will be training and supporting groups of people who are ready to share their stories and impact the world we live in.
In this training and member meeting, we are hoping you will walk away with solid tools that can be used to share your stories and impact the dominant narratives. You will walk away with a story you want to tell to help influence the fight for policies like Earned Sick and Safe Time, access to MN Care and Paid Family Leave.
This training is built around being a storyteller, the dominant narratives that affect us and the connections our stories have to legislative issues. As an attendee, you will get space to explore these concepts, tools to use them and an invite to upcoming TakeAction events where our stories will be the foundation for change.
TakeAction Minnesota believes that the stories we carry around about shared experiences of joy, frustration, fear, and hope are often hidden by shame and anger because we are told our stories are individual moments and not connected to a larger shared experience that many of us face.… Continue reading »
Central Minnesota Text Bank to Members!
Posted December 19, 2018
Join us to reach out and invite TakeAction Minnesota members and activists to engage with us around our legislative opportunities.
Invite people to join us, share their stories and reach out to their legislators. Text banking is a fun way to build relationships and build up your communication skills Join us for a fun evening of texting, pizza, and joy!
Transportation and Childcare available upon request.… Continue reading »
St Cloud Member Meeting: Building Power with Legislators
Posted December 17, 2018
Our political arena at this moment is controlled by corporate power and political elites. Because of this, many people and their values are left out of the conversation. We believe to change this reality, we need to build authentic power with our leaders. Whether it’s a city council member or a U.S. Senator, building power to advance progressive policies is important and at the core of the work TakeAction Minnesota does during the legislative session.
Join TakeAction members and leaders at our St. Cloud member meeting to learn how to build power with legislators. Attend breakout sessions on our three legislative opportunities we’ve identified.
The first part of this meeting will be a training on how to build power with legislators. The second half will be breakout sessions on the three legislative priorities. Join us to learn, ask questions, and grow your own community leadership skills.
Building Power with Your Legislators Training:
Voting is important, but even more so are the many ways people get involved after Election Day to hold our representatives accountable. This training prepares you to go deeper with your legislator and to help you get in a relationship with the very issues they are elected to tackle.… Continue reading »
Looking Ahead and Moving Forward St Cloud
Posted November 13, 2018
TakeAction is committed to being a multi-generational, multi-racial and statewide organization. To do that we believe we must invest in St Cloud and stick around to keep building power in Central Minnesota after the elections. After a very exciting and successful election season, we think it’s important to come together to break bread, learn about ways we can be powerful together and dream about what is next.
We invite out members to join us in St Cloud to debrief the elections, hear some empowering stories of people taking on leadership and imagine next steps that TakeAction members are willing to take to build a better, brighter and more welcoming community here in Central Minnesota.
Childcare and transportation are available by request.
Register here!
Find out more on Facebook!
We will be meeting in the Peace United Church Community room. This space is open and accessible to all people of different backgrounds, faiths, and communities. We are thankful that they are letting us use their space.… Continue reading »
“Hell Yes I’ll be a Primary Voter!” St Cloud Celebration
Posted July 17, 2018
It’s important to take time to celebrate our community and the work we are doing. It’s important to show up joyfully and invite folks with us to build the political home we need here in St Cloud.
We at TakeAction believe in showing up together and we believe in celebrating the hard work we put into building a better Minnesota for us all!
Join us in the last couple weeks of the primary election to celebrate the work we’ve done and build more power to push us through to the election. This event is part celebration, part rally and part event to share why we are showing up to the primaries with excitement and joy.
Wear your favorite campaign shirt! Bring your joy! Bring your favorite neghboor! Join us for our final social event before the primaries to celebrate the work we have done and the work we are excited to do!
St Cloud Text and Phone Bank for the Primaries
Elections matter. They matter because we can show up with our values and elect those we beleive in. They matter because they infleunce the future and are influcned by the past. Primaries are no differnt. If we want to show up with our progressive values in November we need to show up with our values in August for the primaries. If we want to build power we need to vote and we need to bring others with us to the polls.
Join TakeAction in a text-bank to invite people to join in on the fun and vote in the primaries. We will be using a text bank program (like a phone bank but texting!) to reach out to members in the St Cloud area. Training and food will be provided.
How Primaries Work and Why They Matter
Posted July 4, 2018
We have 41 days. 41 days until the polls open on August 14th and Minnesota voters go to the polls to vote in the primary election of 2018. This will be an important election, it will decide the path of our state, the path of the GOP, DFL and Independent parties. This election will decide how we fight in November, if we move forward towards the future we want or if we stay stagnant for 4 year.
We at TakeAction believe in a Minnesota where our government and our economy is by us and for us. Where each and every person has the power to make the decisions that affect their community, their lives, and their futures — especially communities that have been violently denied opportunities for generations.
To build the future we want to see we need to be informed, aware and excited for the elections. When we show up with joy and knowledge we bring others with us and turn a polling place into a community gathering, a place to share our hopes, our dream and what we care about. But first we must know what we are doing so we can show up sjoyfully.
Join TakeAction and leaders from across the state as we learn about the ins and the outs of the primaries, not just so you can feel prepared on August 14th but so that you can bring others with you to shape the future of Minnesota.… Continue reading »
St Cloud Proud: Community Potluck
Posted March 9, 2018
In Minnesota we hold many things close to our hearts, snow days, hot-dish, and parades come to mind. And there are many things that make St Cloud and surrounding communities great. We stand up for our neighbors, we mourn the loss of community members, we create wonderful events to celebrate local art and we create a community.
This event is to celebrate what makes St Cloud and Central MN special, what makes us a community. The best way to do that is to celebrate our favorite foods whether they are comfort food, food from our homelands or our favorite deserts.
Please join us to celebrate what make St Cloud and the surrounding communities great while we share our favorite foods with each other.
St Cloud Peoples Hearing
In Minnesota we have a long history of coming together across difference to solve our collective problems. We pull together, we innovate, and we don’t shy away from bold solutions. Unfortunately, the crises our families are facing in Greater MN are being ignored by many politicians in Saint Paul. Unfortunately the solutions being offered by many politicians in Saint Paul don’t reflect the reality of the crises our families are facing. We need jobs in rural Minnesota that can help families make ends meet and protect our environment so that our children and grand-children can thrive in our communities. Our children need safe and loving care that all parents can afford. We should be able to both care for our family and make ends meet. That is a simple and achievable family value. These crises are preventable. The solutions are within reach. Because of the failure of this legislative session to hear bills that would actually meet the crisis in our lives, we– people in Greater MN– are holding our own hearings during the legislative recess.
We invite legislators, candidates, community members and leaders to join us to hear stories of those most impacted by these crises and to hear what can be possible when we come together and solve problems.… Continue reading »
Changing the narrative using local media: LTE training
Posted March 8, 2018
Often the only voices we’re hearing from Central Minnesota are hateful and angry. We at TakeAction want to change that by creating spaces for us to change the narratives around what Central Minnesota needs. One powerful way to bring attention to issues is to write Letters to the Editor to your local news paper. Join us for a training on how to write powerful LTEs to change the conversations around important issues in our communities.
St Cloud Phone Bank
Come help TakeAction reach out to folks in the St Cloud area and invite them to upcoming events! We will also be reaching out to folks to hear their stories around care in Central MN.
Register here!… Continue reading »St Cloud Phone Bank 3/27/18
Come help TakeAction reach out to folks in the St Cloud area and invite them to upcoming events! We will also be reaching out to folks to hear their stories around care in Central MN.
Register here!… Continue reading »CARE: Documentary Screening
Join TakeAction to watch Care, a documentary around the mostly ignored world of in-home healthcare. Watch this deeply moving film and discuss the topic of Care in Central Minnesota.
Documentary description: “Care pulls back the curtain on the poignant and largely hidden world of in-home elder care.Beautifully shot and deeply moving, the film reveals the deep bonds that form between paid care workers and elders while exposing the cracks in the U.S. care system.”
Register here!… Continue reading »Protesters demand town hall from Rep. Emmer
Posted August 8, 2017
July 5, 2017
U.S. Rep. Tom Emmer, R-6th District, last faced a town hall of his constituents Feb. 22 in Sartell.
At that meeting, Emmer made a promise to the 150 people gathered: If he voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act, he would replace it with something better.
On Wednesday, political activists from the 6th District gathered near the Municipal Athletic Complex in St. Cloud to call on Emmer to fulfill that promise and explain his May 4 vote in favor of the American Health Care Act (ACHA).
“It’s very disappointing, there is no human connection with Tom,” Kathryn Tasto, a Becker resident at Wednesday’s protest, said. “That’s why these people are out here — he is avoiding us. He is running away from us.”

Local Residents Protest American Health Care Act
July 5, 2017
ST. CLOUD — A group of concerned local citizens held a peaceful rally Wednesday afternoon asking state leaders to pass their message to Congress to vote not to end the Affordable Care Act.
Several residents shared their personal stories on how the current health care system has helped their families.
Kathryn Schwartz Eckhardt says while her family has good health coverage, it took a frightening experience with her son who has a chronic respiratory condition, to realize others may be as lucky without the Affordable Care Act.
“My son is going to be fine because I can afford to take care of him. But millions of children rely on Medicaid and other public assistance to make sure they have access to care,” says Schwartz Eckhardt.
The Senate left for recess without voting on a bill after the Congressional Budget Office estimated it would cause 22 million people to lose coverage.
Jim Magnuson spoke on how his fathers life was taken too early because he couldn’t afford health care coverage.
… Continue reading »“When he came down with pneumonia, because of his pride and fear of recurring more debt than he could pay, he didn’t go to the hospital until it was too late,” says Magnuson.