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It’s Our Time: Kissy Coakley Makes History on Minnetonka City Council
When Kissy Coakley was denied a job at Target Corporation after a criminal background check, she didn’t give up. Instead, she decided to take on the massive corporation and fight for equitable policies.She worked to…
Continue reading »Activist Cecelia Viel: How do we want people to come home?
When I testified on behalf of the renter’s rights ordinance in City Hall back in August, I wasn’t planning on mentioning my criminal record. I showed up because I just believed people deserve to have…
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The unemployment rate for African Americans in Minnesota is nearly triple the White unemployment rate of 2.9%
Today there are 51,000 Minnesotans who are denied the right to vote because State law strips the right to vote from people on probation for felony convictions.
Nearly half of our state’s prison population is made up of people of color. In Minnesota, African Americans make up 5% the population—but 35% of the prison population
We are fighting for a Minnesota where everyone has fair access to quality employment and democracy. One in five Minnesotans has spent time in the Justice System. With over 1,000,000 people in our State with criminal records, it is time to challenge our system and employers to remove barriers to employment and democracy that disenfranchise our family members, neighbors and loved ones.
The Justice 4 All campaign pays particular attention to the needs of under-resourced communities of color disproportionately impacted by the Justice System. We aim to develop leaders from these communities to lead a statewide fight that gives every Minnesotan a fair shot at a job and the chance to have their vote counted.
We are calling on Minnesota’s business community to partner with families impacted by the justice system to create opportunities. The business community can take an active role in increasing employment equity, wealth and stability in under-resourced communities.