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It’s Our Time: Kissy Coakley Makes History on Minnetonka City Council
When Kissy Coakley was denied a job at Target Corporation after a criminal background check, she didn’t give up. Instead, she decided to take on the massive corporation and fight for equitable policies.She worked to…
Continue reading »Nelsie Yang: For the People, With the People
On Tuesday, November 5, we made history. I grew up never thinking people who looked like me could be in political office. St. Paul City Council has never had a Hmong woman elected. City Councilmember…
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number of TakeAction Minnesota members who took action with us during the 2016 election
number of voters we talked to during the 2017 municipal election
number of voters we talked to during the 2016 election
Movement Political Leadership
Paul Wellstone believed the two most important questions of public policy are “Who Decides” and “Who Benefits.” At TakeAction Minnesota, we take these two questions very seriously.
For our organization, Election Day isn’t the end — it’s the beginning. We work year-round on issue and electoral campaigns to make sure PEOPLE are placed at the center of all governing decisions because in a truly representative democracy, the people lead. To realize this, TakeAction Minnesota works to elect individuals to public office — local, state and federal — that share our vision for equality and justice and have the skills and abilities to make change a reality.
We also recruit and train candidates and political leaders who have been active in the progressive movement to lead campaigns, run for office, and serve in appointed office through our Movement Political Leadership program that launched in 2019. We work with elected officials while in office and on issue campaigns, to ensure that the needs of people and communities around are state are being improved via public policy. We hold our elected leaders accountable throughout the year to make the change that needs to be made.
Through our work, we build powerful alliances because we understand we can’t achieve our vision of Minnesota on our own. We partner with organizations, campaigns and elected officials to identify shared goals, grow our progressive voter base and shift the public conversation in order to build a mandate for change.